Chapter 2 - Survival by EVIL.

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A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.
The man who never reads, lives only ones.

-George RR Martin.

WARNING:  This chapter contains scenes of sexual violence that may be uncomfortable to some readers.


My eyes opened to the scream of the skies as if the heavens were torn coming down to the earth to show their sorrow. Rain hit my skin like it would shred right through it. The dark night, the heavy rain, the violent ruffling of the trees, the howling wind, all created a look of horror.

It was very late and the bone chilling cold seemed unbearable in the wailing wind and icy rain. The sound of thunder rolled through the area as another lightning bolt split through the sky.

I looked around to see that I was laying on the grass and Vivaan was nowhere in sight. That's when all the hell broke loose and I got up, only to hiss out in pain.

My left hand looked sickening to the stomach. It was burnt beyond recognition. My flesh, at the top most part, was seared to bone. Towards the lower arm, the skin was gone, leaving nothing but burned blackened skin. It even smelled rotten. I couldn't help but cringe at my own hand. It still hurt but not as much. Maybe my nerves had been singed to the point where I could no longer feel as much pain.

I gritted my teeth and got up. I have to find Vivaan.

"Vivaan?" I called out but my voice was too weak and hoarse.

"Vivaan? Where are you baby? Your Mish-Mish is here." I said louder after clearing my throat.

There was no sign of him. I was about to call out again when I heard the jargon of a baby from a nearby bush. I went there and saw Vivaan playing with a flower and babbling away.

I gave a sigh of relief and gathered him in my arms. That action caused me to hiss out yet again. Vivaan screeched and clapped his hands looking at me.

"Making fun of my pain I see." I said with a painful smile. He licked the tears from my cheeks and again started clapping. The sight made fresh tears run down my face.

"What are we gonna do Vivaan? We have nowhere to go. No one to take care of us." I asked as he looked at me with puppy eyes as if trying to figure out what I was saying.

"Mumbai is a big city. How am I going to take care of you when I don't even know how to take care of myself? How are we going to survive with no roof over our heads, no money, no relatives to go to and no job?" I cried even harder as the rain continued to pour down mixing my tears with water.

"I am scared Vivaan." I whispered and he caressed my whole face before licking my cheeks again as if comforting me.

I took him inside our outdoor shed as it started raining more vigorously. The curtain with which I covered him was soaking wet so I squeezed it out and wrapped it around him.

Rain and tears mingled on my face, salty tracks blending into freshly sky fallen trickles. Today is an inescapable day. I watched as the remains of our house stood out like a demonic house from a horror movie. The rain slowly started diminishing.

"Why did this happen to us?" I asked to no one in particular.

After looking out for a while, when the sky had ceased its cries, I stood there for a moment, under the gloomy clouds, frozen with Vivaan in my right arm while my left hand hung grotesquely at my side. My gaze fixed on the ruins of the house, staring at the destruction of the whole scenario.

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