Let's Backtrack (Karkat x Reader)

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owo So hey there guys! I guess I'll be making another Kitkat reader thing? EXCEPT, this will be a mini series. :B Probably only 5 - 7 chapters though. :D ANYWHO, I (Cori, sassyLambent, or Ear Rape. xD) will be your partner in cr- *ahem* Best friend. :) You could change that though, meh. xD You shall have your own apartment as well! But being only 14-16, you have a roomate. :D (Don't worry, it's not a guy who will rape you. :I And it's someone responsible...hopefully. //Basically stating the roomate is whoever you want it to be, shhhh.//)  By the way, the first few parts are kinda sad. :( (it gets better eventually though.) You will also be in a group/best friend posse thing consisting of KARKAT VANTAS (isn't that Vantastic? //killd) SOLLUX CAPTOR, NEPETA LEIJON, ME OF COURSE, TAVROS NITRAM, AND YOURSELF. Ain't dat legit? :D

Anywho, let's get on with the story!

You groaned. It was 4 in the morning, dedicating that you had set your alarm at the wrond time again. You sighed, wondering what to do, being the type of person to not go to sleep once woken up. Deciding it was best to at least do something progressive, you got up from your bed and head to you kitchen shared with your roomate, [Insert name of wanted roomate.] You wanted to have a cup of coffee, even it was a bad idea to have some so early in the morning.

You were just about to take a sip from your cup, until a certain best-friend-ear-rape began pestering you on your phone. Sighing, you set down your cup, answering the call.

-- sassyLambent began pestering [chumHandle] at 16:12 --

SL: Hey der fucker.

You blinked in surprise. Why was she not using her quirk? She always did. Always.

CH:...Dude, what the hell?

CH: Why aren't you using your quirk?


SL: Shit happened, man. Can I come over, or you here?

You sighed. It was not the best idea to go out so early in the morning, but for a friend...

CH: //Sigh// Okay, fine. Explain the situation to me when I get there.

SL: Thanks, bro.

SL: You have no idea how much that means to me.

-- sassyLambent ceased pestering [chumHandle] at 16:17 --

You sighed. You went back into your shared room, threw on a black sweater and some dark, ripped jeans, and made your way out to your best friend's house. But seeing as she lived only a block away, you decided you'll walk.


You knocked on the door. It was always quiet on the outside, even if the inside of her apartment was hectic and messy. The door opened, and you saw none other than the girl herself.

And let's just say that in short, she was messed up. Hair sprawled everywhere, ripped clothes on (she ripped it herself, not from a fight) dark bags underneath her eyes, and yet she still looked happy. Her facial expression elevated from depressed to melancholy.

"Hey there, [Nickname]," She said, stepping aside to let her in her domain. "How's my favorite little girl doing?"

You turned aroun to her, then sighed. "Okay man, what the fuck happened? This is the first time you've ever done this."

She looked at you, then sighed herself. "Okay, get on the couch and I'll tell you a story."

-----TIME SKIP-----

"...So, I'm all depressed and shit because my cousin died in rape, her dad killed himself, her mom killed herself, their dog was kidnapped, my mom got this then blew a fuse and she's in jail, and my dad is out of the country. And my roomate is on a trip, so she can't even comfort me. Please don't tell anyone, [Name], please."

Words could not describe what you were feeling. Instead of saying anything to make the situation worse, you just scooted over to her and hung your arms around her. "Hey, you know, you can cry if you want."

This comment struck a nerve somewhere, because the next thing you knew, there was a sobbing teenaged girl crying into your shirt. Minutes passed, until the sobs softened down into whimpers, and when you looked down, you found that she was sleeping.

You sighed, carrying her to her room, locking the door, and made your way back home.


The rest of the day that passed was uneventful, but the next thing you knew, you were going to Sollux for help in your situation.

His reaction was much different than you thought it would be. Once her name barely escaped your mouth, their was a befrazzled Sollux staring into your own [E/C] orbs.

"You got in contact with her!? Holy thit, I can't believe it! The was fucking quiet thince two dayth ago! No one got in contact with her, not even Nep!" He then looked serious. "What the fuck happened?"

You gulped nervously, not knowing how to respond. "Sol, she...She made me promis not to tell anybody. The most info I can give you is that a lot of personal stuff happened to her."

His expression didn't change, which disturbed you to no end. He finally sighed after an intense staring contest, and looked back to his husktop. "..W-well fuck, if it wath enough to make her act like that, it mutht have been pretty fucking bad." You nodded. "It was."

A few moments of awkward silence filled the air between the two of you, before Sollux went onto Trollian to disturb some unlucky person/or troll.

A few minutes passed with you sitting there awkwardly on his bed, but you catch the colors of mustard yellow, gray and lime green on his screen before his puff of black hair covered his husktop's screen.

"Hey, [Name], how do you feel about a little 'thurprithe'?"

You looked at him, eyeing him carefully, "The fuck did you do, Captor?"

A knock on his door surprised the both of you.


"Sollux, I beleive we have some purrety disturbing things to talk about!"

About five minutes later, a pale faced Nepeta and fuming Karkat entered the room.

"SOL, WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED? NO ONE HAD ANY CONTACT WITH HER AND- OH HI, [NAME]." He looked towards you, blushing slightly but having his usual scowl.

Nepeta also looked your way, before tacklepouncing you, that is. "[NAME]! I didn't expect you to be here!" She said, purring happily and looking at you with bright green eyes.

"Hey there, NepNep," You said, giggling slightly, before scratching her behind her ears, careful to not hit her horns. "Quite a while since last time, eh?"

Sollux looked at the both of you before sighing. "Guyths, come on. We need to figure out a way to cheer her up."

You looked at him, sticking your tongue out. "Well, Tholuxth, I'm not doing anything untill Tavbro is here. She spends most of his time with him, besides me."

Silence filled the air for a few seconds before Karkat sighed. "FUCKING FINE. LET'S GO GET TAV, ASSHATS."

And that ends chapter one! Hopefully I'll be able to update this tomorrow, but right now I have to go to sleep, as it's like 12:02. o3o Goodnight guys, love ya!

Let's Backtrack (Karkat x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя