Chapter Five: Surprise Idiots

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You screamed, grabbing the closest thing next to you, which happened to be a Faygo bottle.


You felt something grab your shoulders, and you had no idea who or what it was, which freaked you out even more.



You calmed down instantly, but not after seeing a flash come from your left. You were sure either Sollux or Cori had taken a picture.

"Karkat!? What the hell, man!? I thought you weren't a rap-"


"That's what he said."


The force that was on your shoulders were suddenly gone, and you finally understood what had just happened. Well, most of it, anyways. You were sleep deprived and half drunk. You understood what Cori felt like now.

You heard a loud scream, follwed by giggles and a groan. You turned around to see that (more drunk than usual) Cori was pinning Karkat down, and Tavros was freaking out and Sollux stared at the scene like a necrophiliac at a grave site.

Your brain then registered what you were seeing.


You pushed her off, succeeding and landing on Karkat's torso. You snuggled into him, his sweater being very fluffy and comfortable.

He let out another scream, but it was at a higher pitch than the first. You looked up to see his face flushed, which you found adorable as hell. You leaned up, giving him a peck on the nose.

His reaction was not what you expected it to be. He got up, leaving you on the cold hard ground. You frowned, but was none the less not caring. You shrugged, got up, and walked over one of Sollux's many extra rooms, falling on the bed and instantly into sleep.



"Cori, please, um, calm down."


"No, really. You're going to wake up the neighbors."

"...Guyth, why don't we all just go to thleep?"


"....Actually, no. We have to discuss what we just saw."

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"....Okay, fine. I'll go to sleep."

"Hurrah! I mean, um, yay?"

"I wasn't done. Only if I share a bed with one of you, but in the non-sexual way."

Sollux stared at Cori, not processing what she had just said. When he did, he freaked and ran out of the room, thinking that she had been spending to much time with Eridan and that a few of his traits had rubbed off on her.

Tavros however, sighed, and carried her to a room, locking her in it so that she wouldn't escape.

(AN: I headcannon that Tavros has amazing body strength. :3 You know, rolling his wheel chair everywhere, lance practice...Yeah.)

She did. She kicked the door down, and tackled down the troll and dragging him into the room with her.

All the while a certain yellow blooded troll was recording this, snickering behind a wall.

--- TIME SKIP (8 in the morning.) ---

You groaned. You awoke with a throbbing head, and realized you were half off the bed. You groaned a bit louder, and screamed when you felt a warm embrace...well, embracing you.

You turned around to see a poker-faced Sollux.

"Sol....What the literal fuck are you doing!?"

"What doeth it look like? I'm hugging you."


"I don't know. I just felt like it. Oh, by the way, thomeone was trolling you a bit earlier. I think it was Nepeta or maybe Vrithka."

You sighed. "Well, I'll found out later. Can you just let go of me?!"

"...Fine." He let go of you, getting up and brushing himself afterwards. He then extended out an arm to you, which you took.

"Are the others still here?"

"Yeah. Cori'th cooking breakfatht or fucking around while Tav is playing Poke'mon or thomething."

You decided what the best thing to do next is shower. Then you remembered that you were at Sollux's Hive and decided to just check on Tavros.

When you walked into Sollux's living room, Tavros was indeed playing Poke'mon. On a fucking 3DS. That could only mean one thing.

"TAVROS, DO NOT MOVE A FUCKING MUSCLE!" Said troll squeaked, (which was the most adorable sound you've ever heard.) and looked over to you, pausing his game. You walked over to him and sat next to him, leaning over his right shoulder.

"This is Poke'mon X, correct?"

He nodded. "Y-yeah. Why?"

"...Why is your trainer a girl, Tavros?"

"This is, uh, Cori's file." That explained a lot. You then frowned.

"Hey, what did you guys do after I went to sleep?" He stiffened.

You heard someone yell from the kitchen, "YOU'RE TOO INNOCENT TO UNDERSTAND!"

You facepalmed while the other two trolls blushed.

As usual, that was when something interrupted this moment.

The door slammed open, revealing a Nepeta in pajamas and a half-awake Karkat. Nepeta was smiling like an idiot. That could only mean one thing, and one thing only.

A few of her ships came true.

She waked over to you, still smiling. She shoved Karkat to you, walking into the kitchen to converse with Cori and Sollux.

Karkat groaned, still not completely awake. He didn't even bother to look up at you, he snuggled into your chest and wrapped his arms around your waist. You blushed, but didn't say anything, not sure of what you felt about this kind of contact. You looked at his form, finding that he was wearing a thin black and gray striped shirt and....suspenders. Yes, suspenders.

You stifled a giggle, while Tavros was covering his mouth to refrain from bursting into laughter.

You hugged him back, one hand behind his head and the other resting on his waist. He was very warm for someone very...Him.

You smiled to yourself, snuggling into his hair, being careful not to hit his horns.

You could have drifted off into a quite peaceful sleep, actually. But then you took in the state of the living room. Faygo bottles, Cola, and a few candy wrappers were spread everywhere. There were even a few drawings on the walls; Sloppy makeouts (with a few of your OTP'S!), human genitilia (You instantly knew who did that one.) and random lusi and Poke'mon characters. You sighed, deciding that it would be better to not sleep right now. Instead, you decided to hit up a conversation with Tavros.

"Tav, do you speak any other languages besides Alternian and English?"

"U-uh...Actually, yeah. I'm...fluent, I guess, in Spanish. W-why...?"

You smiled. Spanish was one of the languages you wanted to learn very badly. "Well, can you be my new Spanish teacher?"

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