Chapter Six: Spanish Teacher

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The rest of your converation went on rather uneventfully, and sooner than you could have imagined, it was already half past eight in the morning. Karkat was also still sleeping peacefully, and very quitely. Much different than how he is when he is awake.

"So, can I come over to your hive tomorrow, Tav?"

"U-uh, sure. What, um, time do you want to come over?"

You thought for a moment before responding back. "Hmm...Is 8 too early for you?"

Tavros shook his head, smiling a bit. "Nope! I usually get up early, so it's no, um, problem at all."

You smiled yourself. "Well aloha, new Spanish teacher."

"Aloha is Hawaiian, woman. Hola is Spanish."

You squeaked, unintentionally holding onto Karkat a bit tighter. "Cori, what the hell!? Were you eavesdropping on us!?"

"...Maybe. Hablo un poco de español a mí mismo también, sabes."

"...Holy fuck. Cori, you speak Spanish?"

She laughed slightly. "Well...Sorta. I can mostly only understand the stuff spoken, and I'm not really good at saying stuff...That goes for Korean and French, too."

You felt a movement underneath you, and looked down to see Karkat shifting a bit in his sleep. You smiled at how adorable he was unintentionally being. You rested your head in his hear, accidentally touching his horns with your hand. He didn't wake up, however. You decided that you had the choice of keep touching his horn to see what his reaction would be like and what they do, or not and save yourself from a lot of yelling.

You decided to save yourself from a lot of yelling.

Instead you cocked your head to your left to see a Cori jumping and running around, drinking a Sprite bottle. You had forgotten you had bought a 24 oz. bottle for her, knowing of her almost fetishtic affection for the stuff. It was basically drugs for her.

And the fact that she drank it almost everyday didn't really help.

But then again, you had your own almost fetishtic affection for chocolate cake, so you didn't really say anything.

Tavros sighed, so you then turned your attention to him. You remembered the horn incident from a few years ago.


You woke up to the sound of video game noises and squeals. You groaned, getting up and looking around the room you were in. You then remembered that you were in Sollux's hive, having been playing a few video games with Karkat and him the day earlier. You walked into his living room, seeing Sollux laying down on the couch, and Karkat sitting on his back, watching him play an intense game of Slender. You smirked. You had a plan on scaring the shit out of both of them.

The light from Sollux's husktop was the only source of light in the entire room, which made things a bit easier. You headed into Sollux's kitchen from the hallway, then hid behind a few chairs on the way to the living room, so you wouldn't be caught. You had made it as far as to be right behind Karkat on the couch, and neither of them had noticed.

"KK, how many pageth do we have to collect?"


You saw the suit of Slender in the distance of the screen, neither Sollux or Karkat seeing it. You smirked to yourself. As soon as they turned around, the glitch would happen, and Slenderman's face would be full screen on his husktop. You waited a few seconds, then went behind Karkat still standing up. You realized that the volume was on low, which made things even better for you.

Slender appeared on the screen. Sollux freaked and slammed his husktop down. At that exact moment you leaned into Karkat's ear and screamed, hugging him and pinning him down on the couch. It was completely pitch black in the room now, which added more onto the scare factor.


You leaned in, giving Karkat a peck on the forehead, then turned around so he was underneath you and you were straddling his waist from behind. But the couch was quite small, so you pushed Sollux off of it in the process. Both trolls screamed, which made you smirk.

You leaned down into Karkat's hair, burying your face in it. He spewed curses out to you, but you didn't care. You leaned down to lick one of his horns, and the yelling instantly stopped. A few seconds later, you swore you had heard him purr. But not after he had you over his shoulder, carrying you to an extra room. He threw you onto the bed, then locked the door and left.


"...Tavros, what do horns do?"

He blushed, not expecting this question. Instead of answering however, he simply shook his head. "It's kinda...weird."

You nodded, not wanting to press on the subject if it could make him so uncomfortable.

You sighed. "Sol, shouldn't we clean this place?"

"Nah. We can thave that for my luthuth."


You woke up. You actually set your alarm at the correct time. Hooray! You looked at your clock on your nightstand, seeing that it was seven fifteen. You instantly got up from your bed and ran to your kitchen. You whipped up something quick (like an omelette or something.) and rushed into eating it. You then brushed your teeth as quick as possible but still counting it as an actual brush, and ran into your room to put something on. You quickly put on a [F/C] tank top and a [SECOND F/C] vest. You put on some dark maroon jeans, a pair on Converse, and got your phone and bag and ran to your car.

By now it was already seven thirty. You sighed. Since it actually pretty early than you would usually wake up, there would probably be now traffic, and Tavros' hive was about a 15 minute drive from your house.

You started up your Cadillac and drove from your apartment to Tavros' hive. By the time you got there, it was already 8.

You ran out of your car, ran up to the door, and knocked. You put your hands on your knees trying to catch your breath from this.

Tavros opened the door, a surprised look on his face. He was dressed in some orange/brownish pajamas that could be counted as public clothes, but you knew better.

"O-oh? [Name], are you okay? Do you, um, want a glass of water or something?" He stepped aside to let you inside.

You breathed heavily, stepping in. "Nah, Tav, I'm fine." You looked around his hive. It was a bit...messier than what you would have expected from someone like him. But it was none the less him.

Your thoughts were interuppted from a crash somewhere else. You turned your head to look at Tavros' kitchen, instincts telling you to go there. You looked inside to see Karkat and Cori cross dressing - Karkat was in a red frilly girly dress with duct tape over his mouth, which explained why he wasn't yelling, while Cori was dressed in a Triple X shirt. You could actually see part of her bra, and realized that she was wearing Double X basketball shorts. Both of them looked to you, smiling had no idea.

"Umm....[Name], I think it would be easier if I didn't explain this and we just studied Spanish."

"...Yeah, I think so too."

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