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 Random shit you probably didn't know about le admin:

1) I switch between curse words (For example: Fruk or Fuck)

2) I am semi-fluent in Tagaloag

3) I am that one person the mushes up all kinds of potatoes- even french fries

4) I don't like bacon, pork, chocolate, ice cream, and pizza but love fish, sushi, tomatoes, fish eyes, deer, and chicken

5) I am EXTREMELY allergic to dryer sheets and beef aroma. If I'm like 10 feet from a dryer sheet or if someone in a house or something starts cooking steak or make hamburgers my eyes start  watering up so much I can't even see and I sneeze like hell

6) I can probably beat your ass in a naming all 151 pokemon test or a 1 minute math test. Or in science. 

7) I tend to make all stories (not fanfics) to be descriptive and long. If a teacher assigns me to write a story with three paragraphs, I WILL make it like 25. If you see my folder of drafts, they look like novels. THE DRAFTS

8) I use my android (bruh) more often than a computer

9) I don't have a phone -_-

10) My 'roommate' is actually just my cousin.  A few months ago,her family is like getting a house and they don't like apartments so they moved into my house. Then they moved out like a few days ago.

11) I have 5 middle names

12) According to my classmates I should go to college

13) I according to my science teacher, I should go to college

14) I can sing Gangnam Style in Korean

15) I can impersonate pikachu almost perfectly. 

There you go. 15 pieces of shit you probably didn't know about me. I should've saved this for a tag but nobody tags me (;n; I don't get why people hate being tagged) but idgaf

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