Chapter One - Dreams

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So this is set seconds after Klaus said the “I intend to be your last” line…

Caroline couldn’t process the information, part of her wanted to scream with happiness that Tyler was coming back but another wanted her to melt at his sweet words and throw herself at him. She however just gazed up at him, so in shock that she couldn’t speak.

He leant down and placed a lingering kiss on her cheek, he was so warm and so very close to her; his lips causing her cheek to tingle and a blush to flush her cheeks.

Klaus so desperately wanted to kiss her soft lips, to hold her safely in his arms and never let her go. As soon as his lips touched her flawless skin his body sparked; he felt like a tingly firework was exploding in his chest; making his head spin. He slowly pulled away, lingering his lips beside her face and gazing deeply into her crystal blue eyes which fluttered open, her face still frozen in shock; her lips slightly parted and her warm breath caressed his face, the butterflies in his stomach making him nauseous.

Caroline couldn't help the smile which crept onto her face, her eyes glancing down at his lips which were still so close to hers; almost daring her to close the space between them.

“We better get going before twelve angry hybrids decide to pick a fight.” Klaus said softly, a hint of humour in his voice as he offered her his arm.

Caroline looped her arm through his, feeling his hard muscles beneath his suit caused her heart to skip a beat. She felt safe by his side, secure and certain that nothing bad would happen to her as long as he was there beside her. Letting out a small chuckle they began to walk in comfortable silence, their footsteps in sync which nearly made her giggle as she realised.

“Thank you.” Caroline finally breathed, turning her head to face him and await his reaction. Klaus looked down briefly, trying to hide the grin which had spread onto his face before glancing back up at her. She noticed this and smiled herself, watching his eyes light up as they met hers.

“Well, it was all for you Caroline, anything for you.” He chuckled, avoiding her gaze once more as he sighed; shifting his arm so she was a little closer to him.

“You are repeating yourself Klaus.” She joked, squeezing his arm mockingly and flashing him a grin before watching their feet step in perfect sync. “So what’s New Orleans like?” Caroline questioned casually, trying to mask her interest in the place.

“Well, you will just have to see it for yourself…” He smirked as she rolled her eyes at him; her eyes wandering to the stars above them, their twinkling reflection making her eyes shine brighter.

They had stopped walking as she admired the sky and he admired her; in a flash we had pulled her to the ground with him, lying flat on the lush grass to get a better look at the sky.

Caroline squealed at the sudden change, clutching the front of his shirt as she felt them fall to the ground in a heartbeat. He nervously cleared his throat which caused her to look down at her hands which were clutching his chest for dear life; she awkwardly chuckled as she removed her hands and began smoothing out the creases in the fabric. They were both lying on their sides and looking at each other, Klaus was trying to keep his face natural despite the feeling of her hands running down his chest repeatedly, driving him insane and making him crave her even more.

Caroline nervously cleared her throat and avoided eye contact once she realised what she was doing, swiftly moving her hands away and rolling onto her back and getting lost in the stars.

“Caroline…” Klaus began, rolling so he was close to her, lying on his side to get a better view of her gorgeous features.

“Yes Klaus?” She replied, rolling on her side once more to be able to see him. He was closer than she expected so she found herself pressed up against him; his hand resting on the small of her back so lightly she wasn’t sure if she was imagining it. He was staring so deeply into her eyes that she was worried he could read her every thought, but with a confused tilt of his head he rolled over on his back; sighing as he looked back at her.

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