Chapter Five - Confessions

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Sorry guys, I’m English and sometimes I slip up and say ‘wardrobe’ or ‘pavement’ so just ignore it! (I am failing at writing like an American *sigh*)

Caroline woke with a new feeling of confidence; she didn’t care about anything anymore. Except from proving everybody wrong and making herself finally feel better after the past week of pure pain and agonising thoughts.

With a bounce in her step she plastered a false smile upon her features in hope that it would eventually become real throughout the day.

She hopped over to her closet, picking out a sun dress in the perfect shade of light blue which brought out her eyes and looked perfect with her skin tone. The dress hugged her figure and she paired it with the wedges Elena had given her yesterday, a grin on her face as she applied her makeup flawlessly and curled her hair to perfection.

The air smelt wonderful after the storm, the streets still damp from the thunderstorm and the grass covered in tiny raindrops which sparkled in the morning sunshine.

Her phone began to ring as she strutted around the town with no real purpose; she answered it as she stepped into the grill; rolling her eyes at the sound of the British accent.

“Klaus, you have to stop phone stalking me!” she smirked as she glanced down at the menu she already knew by heart.

I’m sorry love but I had to make sure you were okay…” He said calmly, causing her to roll her eyes again at his constant attention.

“Well I’m perfect and shouldn’t you be drawing romantic pictures for Hayley by now? Or are you bracelet shopping?” Caroline said bitterly, closing her eyes and composing herself before putting on a wide smile as she scanned the list of food in front of her.

No, I’ve already told you… wait, Caroline have you turned it off?” Klaus growled, clenching his teeth as she chuckled.

“I find it insulting that you think I’m that weak, I can feel every ounce of pain that’s replacing my heart but I’m smiling anyway; excuse me as I need to order my breakfast.” Caroline snapped, hanging up the phone and leaving Klaus hurt and angry as he stormed around New Orleans in hope of soothing his temper.

Caroline ate daintily, tipping the waitress and trying not to frown at the sight of all the happy couples around her. She strutted through the street with her head held high, strolling into clothes shops and spending half of her college savings on new summer outfits. It was a lonely process though, trying on outfits without the comforting laughs and giggles of her best friends as they all paraded around the dressing rooms.

But she kept on smiling, winking at the boys who whistled at her and grinning from ear to ear as she wandered around the town.

Damon pulled up beside her, causing her smile to falter slightly. “Come on Barbie, get in.” He sighed, opening the door for her and rolling his eyes as she refused.

“Caroline, Elena has a surprise for you back at the house. Get in the damn car!” Damon growled irritably as she shook her head and continued to strut in the sunshine.

“CAROLINE!” He shouted after her, driving slowly beside her as she walked; finally getting fed up and speeding away, leaving her alone to her thoughts.

She headed towards the Salvatore mansion, rolling her eyes at the toilet paper still covering the roof.

“Blondie wanted to walk here!” Damon could be heard from inside; Caroline rolled her eyes at his nickname for her as she opened the door.

“CLOSE YOUR EYES!” Elena squealed as she saw Caroline in the doorway, rushing over to her to check if she was peeking.

“Forward, forward, forward. STOP!” Elena giggled, tugging Caroline’s arm as she staggered blindly into the lounge.

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