Chapter Six - Abduction

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So after Christmas break i won't be posting as often, maybe once a week?

Stefan and Caroline lie on the grass, watching the colours shoot through the sky as the fireworks exploded. Whizzing and popping as they sent showers of colours through the sky; Caroline lie peacefully beside Stefan who was laughing about something like a crazy person.

“Why are you laughing?” Caroline called over the noise; not taking her eyes off of the flashing colours which filled the starry night sky.

“Because you are in love with a Klaus!” He chuckled, Caroline’s head snapped towards him with a look of anger upon her features.

“I am not in love with Klaus!” She growled, turning her attention to the rocket which was sizzling delightfully as it shot into the stars; creating a spray of golden light.

“Well you are a terribly amazing couple, he killed twelve hybrids and you killed twelve witches! Wow it must be fate!” Stefan joked, his laughter dying down as he saw her glaring daggers at him.

“Don’t remind me of the horrible things I have done.” Caroline snapped, trying to push the sight of the dying witches from her mind.

“Caroline you are a vampire and he is a hybrid, you are predators not puppies. You have killed and so has he, we are all terrible people Caroline; what makes you out of his league?” Stefan said solemnly, whilst he watched the colours erupt above them.

“He killed Jenna, Tyler’s mother and is a monster!” Caroline sighed, her gut sinking at the thought of all of the deaths.

“Well those twelve witches most likely were mothers, friends and had people who loved them. Caroline we are all the same, I've killed hundreds and I’m not even two hundred years old yet. Klaus is over a thousand, the numbers do add up!” Stefan muttered, smiling at her whilst she pondered on his words.

“So the message you are trying to get across is that Klaus isn’t a bad person?” Caroline mumbled, furrowing her brows as Stefan shook his head.

“The message is that we are all terrible people, we are all monsters and shouldn’t hold it against each other.” Stefan declared as he watched the sky fill with explosions of colour and sparks; Caroline watching them too as she thought.

“I understand.” She murmured as the fireworks ended; standing up and taking Stefan’s arm as they wandered back to her house.

“If you don’t want to hear Elena and Damon all night I do have a spare room for you.” Caroline offered once she saw Stefan hesitate on going back to his.

“If it isn’t a problem, is your mom okay with it?” He asked as he stepped inside, looking around curiously for any sight of the sheriff.

“She is working away and she likes you anyway, it’s really not a problem.” Caroline smiled as she took off her jacket, Stefan doing the same.

“I’ll go and get blankets and pillows whilst you choose a movie.” Caroline sang, skipping up to the storage cupboard and pulling out all of the spare bedding.

“Caroline am I allowed to choose horror films?” Stefan called from her living room; a devilish smirk on his face as he picked up the scariest one he could find.

“Yeah, go ahead!” Caroline grinned, rushing into the spare room and using her vamp speed to make the bed and restock the towels in the en-suit.

Stefan had just pressed play as she finished making the popcorn, handing him a bowl of popcorn as she sat on the sofa.

The two vampires were clutching cushions as they crammed popcorn into their mouths; eyes wide with fear.

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