Not My Work!

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This chapter only was not written by me.   

Chapter 1

I'm Robin the boy wonder. I'm currently 13 and I've been in the hero business since I was 9 ever since my parent's died. I'm the sidekick or what I like to say "partner" to the Worlds Greatest Detective, Batman. We fight crime in Gotham. It's a terrible city full of physco's and really bad people who do really bad things. But to me it's home. Lately I've gotten really bored. Ever since Batman joined the Justice League we barely patrol and he won't let me go by myself. When he goes out for League missions I hack the batcomputer to just get caught up with the latest and greatest.

My real name is Richard Grayson and Batman is Bruce Wayne millionaire playboy, life is pretty amazing but sorta lonely.

Tonight when I hacked the computer I found out that all the Leagues sidekicks were heading to the Leagues headquarters. The sidekick of the Flash and Aquaman were gonna be there. I've always wanted to meet Kid Flash and Aqualad. And when I asked Bats if I could go he told me NO. Later that day they broke into Cadmus, a research facility, broke out Superman's clone named Superboy and created a team called the Young Justice.

I'm beyond furious. " Batman why can't I join the Young Justice team! "

" Because you can't so stop asking, you can't meet them or go anywhere outside of Gotham." Bats said with a surprisingly calm voice that I could tell had anger masked into it.

I knew I shouldn't have pressed but I couldn't help it, " I just want to meet sidekicks my age I don't know anybody!"

Batman didn't look furious but I could plainly see he was, " Robin, I'm not having this discussion with you so drop it."

I knew I couldn't win so I dropped it even though I wanted to keep fighting. I took a shower and went to bed. I thought to myself how this sucks and how I really want to meet them but Batman would be furious if I even tried.

I woke up that morning to greet our butler Alfred. Alfred knows our identities and he is also a doctor and that comes in handy a lot. He greets me with a heartwarming smile "Hello Master Richard here is your breakfast" I quickly take it with a thankful smile. After breakfast I decided to check out what Bats was up to.

As I walk in a hear a strange discussion from Batman and someone on the screen... It looks to be the league but I can barely see from my hiding spot.

Batman notices me in the room and ends the call quickly, not turning his head he says " Robin why are you hiding?"

I'm not shocked he knew I was there because he is the Worlds Greatest Detective for gods sake, "Hey what were you talking about?" I ask trying not to sound super curious.

" Just the league about the new team." He sounds like its nothing but to me it's so something

"Oh" I say trying not to sound sad

"I've got to go, League business should be back in time for patrolling." just before he enters a zeta beam to the mountain.

Once I know he is gone I quickly hack the computer and see what the new team is up to. They have been put at the Mountain and have 3 new members if you include Superman's clone. They have an archer named Artemis and a Martian named Megan, probably Martian Manhunters niece.

By the time Batman gets back I'm ready to go out patrolling. He doesn't glance my way but instead looks down at his wrist computer , "Take the North and East, I will take the south and West patrolling."

Robin The Boy WonderWhere stories live. Discover now