The New Team

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Robin/Nightwing POV

I can't believe I quite but it felt good. I spent a year with the Teen Titans but I left so Starfire could take over and lead the team. 

My new name is Nightwing and Bruce hasn't recognized me in Bludhaven yet. Mainly because I have grown at least a foot. I'm sixteen now with my own apartment. I graduated school two years ago. 

I got up this morning and checked the news like I do every morning to see something unexpected.

"This is Bludhaven News. It seems that around all the cities the sidekicks have quite. All the kid heroes have gone solo. It seems that they have grouped up to be their own elite unit. So far it appears to not be working...just in...the young team who are calling themselves Young Justice is currently being held captive while trying to prove themselves in Gotham. None of the Justice League are anywhere to be found. We are praying to our city hero Nightwing to save them," the news woman said and I shut it off.

I put my costume on and dove out my apartment window to grapple to Gotham. They might not know it is me but they were my team so I have to save them.

By the time I reached Gotham, I had multitasked and realized the League was off world. I doubt they even know the team left them. After the team was disbanded they barely saw each other. I guess they ran into each other when going over and tried to restart the team. 

I spotted the warehouse surrounded by police and landed on a car, "Commissioner Gordon, let me handle this." Jim knows that I'm a hero of Bludhaven because I am well known in all the cities, "Go ahead." 

I snuck through the vents. I may be tall but I am still incredibly skinny. Inside was Joker and the team was tied up. I tackled Joker and pound him into the ground. Goons surrounded me so I pulled out my escrima sticks and electrified them. Over three hundred goons were out in minutes. I untied the team, "You all are idiots. What were you thinking? Trying to prove yourself in Gotham?" 

They stared at me shocked that I knew about them. "I've been tracking all your work since the first team was assembled," I told them. "Who are you?" Wally bluntly asked. "I'm Nightwing," I said, "Bludhaven's hero. You need to be more careful. You aren't ready." I began to walk away but Artemis yelled, "Wait!" I turned around to look at her questioningly. 

"I've heard of you. You've got a bigger reputation than Batman or Superman. How old are you?" She asked. "Sixteen," I responded. They all looked shocked. They were all older but I had grown taller than them. "Help us," Artemis pleaded. "What?" I asked shocked. "You can help train us!" M'gann cheered. Superboy nodded and grumbled, "Better than our mentors can." "We can be a team again!" Wally exclaimed. Kaldur sighed, "Except Robin." Artemis sighed, "Rumor is that he quite." 

I decided, "I'll help you. Come with me to Bludhaven." The team nodded then M'gann exclaimed, "Wait! What about the bioship!" "We can take that," I suggested. They nodded and led me to where it was parked. I got in and took a seat. "Head to Bludhaven then land on the police station roof. No one goes up there. Then you can camouflage the ship," I ordered. 

We arrived and I quickly got out of the bioship. I jumped to the next building and motioned for them to follow me. M'gann flew, Superboy jumped, Artemis jumped, Wally ran and jumped, and Kaldur propelled himself with water. 

I reached the warehouse I own. I jumped through the window and the team followed. It was filled with tech, training equipment, and it was basically like Mount Justice but in a warehouse. 

"Welcome home," I said and turned to face them, "You can each take a room unless you want to stay with your mentors. Did you run away or just sneak off to do teamwork?" "Ran away," Artemis said simply. I nodded then walked over to my computer. I began typing then sat there and listened to the police scanner. 

"What now?" Artemis asked once they had settled. I opened my eyes and glanced at them, "We train. I think the best training is training in the field because your enemy will not hold back but I can intervene if it becomes too much. Care to accompany me on a bank robbery?" 

They nodded frantically and followed me towards the bank. I landed on a police car while they stayed on the roof hidden. "I'll handle this," I told the police who nodded respectively and put their weapons away. 

I joined the team on the roof and turned to M'gann, "Can you set up a mind link?" She nodded but asked, "How did you know about that?" "I hacked all the League files. I know everything about you all," I told her. The link was set up and I spoke through it, 'I will enter first to distract the criminals. Wally and M'gann will quickly get people out. Artemis and Superboy will handle goons. Kaldur and I will take the boss.' They nodded and we dispersed. I jumped into the middle of the criminals. Gunfire was everywhere as I cartwheeled several times to avoid it. 'Now!' I yelled into the link.

The team quickly did their jobs efficiently. They have definitely improved so I don't know why the files say that they are all inexperienced. We easily took down the criminals and took the hostages outside. News crews crowded around us and one asked me a question, "Are you taking in the run away proteges? Is this your new team?" "I am. They have much more potential and skill than the League gives them credit for. I can help them do so much more good," I said and grappled to the next building as the team followed closely behind. 

We got back to the warehouse and I set my weapons down. "Change into civilian clothes. We should go somewhere," I said and disappeared to get to my apartment building next door. They never knew who Robin was so I could tell them my civilian identity. I choose not to. 

I came back with dark shades and Wally moaned, "Aww man. You are going to keep your ID a secret?" I nodded, "Sorry Wally. I've got people I need to protect. Let's go. Since we are going to be out as civilians you can't go around calling me Nightwing so just call me Dick. It's a name I made up for reasons like this." They nodded and believed that Dick wasn't actually my real name.

I took them to a small diner that I usually go to all the time. "What can I get ya'll?" Our server asked. I nodded to the team, "Get anything you want." Being the adopted son of a billionaire, I had a billion or so dollars too in a bank account. The team got what they wanted and so did I.

I paid and we ate happily. "Thank you," Kaldur said. The team nodded in agreement. "What now?" Artemis asked. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Are you like our guardians or something? What do we do?" She asked. I sighed, "You are welcome to stay at the warehouse however long you like. I'll take care of you all. Don't worry." They smiled in thanks and continued eating.

Back at the warehouse I let them go sleep while I hacked League files. All the team files were reported as missing. The League must be back so they must know that I have the team. Bludhaven is about to get interesting. 

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