Guests in Bludhaven

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I woke up and went to the warehouse where the team was already watching the news. The League was in Bludhaven already searching for their run away proteges. Bludhaven does not like the League. I am the only hero they tolerate and unless I say the League is welcome, the citizens do not let the League in peacefully.

I walked in front of the TV, "I believe we should have a talk with your mentors." The team looked down indecisive. "It would be best for you to explain things to them," I reasoned. Kaldur sighed, "Nightwing is right. We must inform them of our decisions." "Get your suits on. I'll ask citizens where the League is and pass a message," I said.

I dove out the window and jumped onto a car outside the police station. Police were instantly around me waiting for me to talk. "I need a message to be sent to the Justice League. Tell them that I will meet them along with their ex-proteges on top of the tallest building in Bludhaven in one hour," I said then nodded in respect before disappearing.

I got back to the warehouse and told the team the plan. We are now waiting on top of the tallest building and I showed them how to hide in the shadows. The League arrived including Batman to my surprise. 

I signalled to the team to emerge and they did. "What do you want?" Artemis snapped. "You need to come back with us now," Superman ordered the team. "No," Superboy growled. "You aren't ready," Batman stated. I landed in front of him silently, "I think they are ready. Besides, it is not up to you if they are ready or not. It is up to them. They easily handled the bank heist today in Bludhaven. You are undermining them. Not utilizing their abilities. This team is powerful and they will be the next Justice League but you are not allowing them to prepare themselves for that." 

The entire League was glaring at the end of my speech but the team stepped forward beside me to show their support. "They need more training by us," Green Arrow argued. I had a very good idea, "Not if they are already capable of beating you." "Is that a challenge?" Superman asked. I smirked and nodded, "The team and I can easily take you." The team was obviously wary but I was confident. They just need a different strategy. I heard M'gann in my head, 'We can't fight the League!' 'Yes we can. We need a new strategy. M'gann take Superman. Superboy, take Martian Manhunter. KF take Green Arrow. Artemis take Aquaman. Kaldur take Flash. Each of you have powers that are their weaknesses. I've got Batman. Go!' I exclaimed in their heads. I started the fight with a punch to the face of Batman. 

M'gann figured out how to fight Superman by invading his mind and knocking him out. Superboy easily started a fire. Kid Flash disarmed Arrow and knocked him out. Artemis took down Aquaman. Kaldur slipped Flash. I pinned Batman down and smirked, "The team is not your property, Bats. You and your teammates treat them like extras, like side items, and underappreciated them." I got off Batman and motion to the team to follow me. We jumped to the next building and ran back to the warehouse.

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