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Maya sits at the smoothie counter, tapping her pencil against the blank page of her sketchbook. She is one portrait away from finishing her art portfolio for class but she's stuck. The assignment is to do a set of portraits of the people in her life that captured one thing that she believed defined each of them. So far she had drawn her mom, Shawn, Riley, the Matthews, Auggie, Farkle, Zay, and Smackle. Of course, there is someone else who pops into her head but she pushes the thought away as soon as it pops up.

"So are we doing this thing or what," Zay asks, strolling up to the smoothie counter, interrupting her from her thoughts. "Get your tissues ready because we're watching The Notebook."

Maya hops from her seat, shaking her head.

"Nope, no way. We watched that the last time you picked the movie."

"Hey it's my turn to choose and I choose The Notebook."

Maya shakes her head again not backing down.

"But The Notebook," Zay says, putting on his best pout.

"But no."

The two are so caught up in their conversation that they don't notice when Lucas walks up.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Both Maya and Zay turn to Lucas and then back to each other.

"Zay is trying to ruin our movie night by making me watch The Notebook for the 100th time," Maya says, crossing her arms over her chest and narrowing her eyes at Zay.

"Well Maya seems to forget that it's my turn to pick the movie and I can pick whatever I want," Zay says, matching her stance.

"Movie night?"

Lucas looks from Maya to Zay confused, but neither of them answer him. After about a minute though, Zay sighs, dropping his hands to his sides.

"Fine you win. We won't watch The Notebook. Happy now?"

Maya's face brakes out into grin.

"Very. Thanks Babs."

Lucas crinkles his nose at the nickname but when he makes eye contact with her he can't help but smile. Of course Zay notices that and a knowing smile spreads across his face.

"Well I'm out," Zay says, giving Lucas a slap on the back. "See you at your place Maya."

Zay heads for the door, throwing up two fingers on his way out. For a second, Maya and Lucas stand there together, an awkward silence hanging over them. She glances over at the counter to her untouched smoothie she has long since forgotten about and sighs. Being here at Topanga's alone with Lucas and a strawberry smoothie nearby brings her back to their first date.

"Want a smoothie?" she asks, breaking the awkward silence between them. He eyes the smoothie in her hand and a small smile pulls at his lips.

"You're not gonna pour that on me are you?"

Maya smiles back. "Do you want the smoothie or not Huckleberry?"

"Woah," he says, taking it from her. "It's been awhile since you've called me Huckleberry."

She shrugs, moving over to the couch and plopping down. "Well get used to it because I have a feeling it's making a comeback."

Lucas laughs, taking a seat next to her. "Whatever you say, ma'am," he says, tipping his imaginary hat. For a while they both sit there grinning like a couple of idiots but then Lucas turns serious. He is staring at her with the face only a Huckleberry could have and she can tell that he wants to say something.

"If you have something on your mind Cowboy spit it out."

Lucas shakes himself out of his trance. "It's nothing really. I guess seeing you and Zay... I knew you guys were close I just didn't realize you were that close."

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