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Maya looks over at her friends, who seem to be dragging themselves along the same way she is. Riley is the only person she knows who could ever convince them to wake up at 6 in the morning to be at school. Especially when it was to watch what she knows is going to be another cheerleading tryout disaster. Unlike her friends though, rising at the crack of dawn isn't the only reason she's struggling. It had been almost a week since she'd gone to the lab and she still hasn't heard anything from them yet. She's been on edge all week but if anything can take her mind off of it, watching Riley attempt to try out for the cheerleading team is it.

"Is it just me or does this feel like Deja Vu," Zay asks, as the group files into the gym.

"Isn't that kind of the point," she asks, falling into step with him. "Repeating something but having it turn out differently?"

"Yeah well let's hope this turns out differently," he says, nodding up ahead to Riley who is stretching along with the other cheerleader hopefuls.

"Yeah let's hope," she mutters, not even a little convinced that this will end well. Although Riley has gained a lot more control over her long lanky limbs, she is still very much a Super Klutz. Sure, she has tons of spirit but she definitely doesn't have the skills she needs to be a cheerleader. Maya doesn't understand why Riley even wants to do this when she already "made" the cheerleading team in middle school. Still she came to support her best friend and that's exactly what she plans to do.

Her and Zay lead the group past Riley, all of them giving her encouraging looks as they make their way up the bleachers. Zay, her and Lucas take a seat on the second row while Farkle and Smackle sit in the row in front of them.

"How do you think this is gonna go," Lucas asks, leaning over to her.

"Honestly I'm worried." She keeps her eyes on Riley, who eagerly listens as the coach gives all of them directions. "But no matter what we have to support her."

"No matter what?"

Lucas doesn't seem so sure about that but the tryouts are about to begin and Farkle turns around to shush them.

The first part of tryouts is the gymnastics portion. The girls who go before Riley seem like pros; their cartwheels, round offs, and back flips perfect. When it's Riley's turn, she looks into the bleachers, uncertainty washing over her face.

"You got this Riles," she yells to reassure her, the rest of the group joining her.

"You can do this," Farkle shouts, clapping loudly. That seems to be the push she needs because she turns back to the mat with renewed confidence. Unfortunately, her confidence doesn't make up for her lack of skill. Riley attempts what Maya thinks to be a cartwheel; throwing her body across the mat and falling flat on her face. The group along with the rest of the gym share in a groan and Maya's eyes automatically squeeze shut.

"Is she okay," she asks, grabbing Lucas' arm.

"Uh, I wouldn't open my eyes if I were you."

Despite Lucas' warning she opens her eyes to see Riley crumpled on the mat, her limbs folded underneath her.

"You okay Honey?"

Riley gives her a thumbs up, slowly picking herself up from the ground and dusting herself off. Maya gets to her feet, ready to go down and drag Riley out of here. She's trying to be supportive but what good does it do if it gets her best friend hurt. She starts to cross over Lucas to get to Riley but feels him place his hand on her arm to stop her.

"Supportive no matter what, remember?"

"That was before I saw that," she says, pointing down to where Riley now stands. "She's gonna get hurt."

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