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"So, how's the assignment going," Matthews asks, his eyes skimming over the room.

The class groans in response.

"That good huh? Well let's change things up a bit; new assignment. Sometimes life gives us a second chance and other times we have to go out and make one for ourselves. Either way I want you all to go out and change your history in some way. Go out and do something differently."

The class groans even louder but none louder than Maya.

"Come on Matthews," she says. "What if I don't wanna change my history?"

"Well tough." He crosses his arms over his chest.

"Tough? That's all you got for me? I'm gonna need a whole lot better than tough if you expect me to go out and "change" my history."

Matthews runs his hand down his face.

"Why must you fight me on every assignment, Maya?"

"I've been raised to question authority?"

Matthews gives her a look.

"Fine," she says holding her hands up in surrender. "I'll do the assignment but I'm warning you; this won't end well."

"Come on Maya," Lucas says. "Changing our history might not be so bad."

"Yeah Maya I trust my dad," Riley says, turning back to her and giving her a reassuring smile. "And I know exactly what my assignment will be."

Maya, Lucas, Farkle and Zay all share a look.

"Let me guess," Smackle says. "You're going to try out for the cheerleading team?"

Riley turns back to Smackle looking surprised.

"How'd you know that?"

"Oh, I know things Bubbles," Smackle says, shooting a look to Farkle. Riley's eyes follow hers and they land on him too. Farkle laughs nervously.

"She's my girlfriend. I tell her things," he says, shrugging a little. Riley sucks in her lips, a sad look briefly flashing across her face before she quickly replaces it with a smile. Maya knows the truth behind that look even if her best friend hasn't realized it yet.

"So is that it," Maya asks, breaking the awkward silence that has settled in the room. "Change our history, got it. Can we go now?"

Matthews shakes his head.

"No you can't go. Class isn't over yet."

Maya holds up a finger and waits. When the bell rings a satisfied smile spreads across her face.

"Later Matthews," she says, grabbing her things. She throws an arm around Riley and leads her out the door.

"Come on Riles. We have a date with a smoothie."

After not so patiently waiting for Riley to finish up with her student council meeting, Maya leads the way to Topanga's. She doesn't want to think about changing her history, or Josh, or her father. All she wants to do is grab a smoothie with her best friend. When the girls reach Topanga's, Lucas and Zay are already there deep in conversation about something. They are so into whatever they're talking about that they don't seem to notice the girls walk in.

"Hey guys," Riley says, coming up behind them and resting a hand on either boy's shoulder. "Whatcha talkin' about?"

Both of them jump, looking up at Riley and then to Maya. Zay regains his composure but Lucas seems to be at a loss for words.

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