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Maya sits in the back of Shawn's old truck with Riley as they wait for Shawn and her mom to come out of the gas station. They're headed to the Saint Peter's Children's hospital so that she can do a few extra tests and then from there the cabin. Shawn had given Farkle, Zay and Lucas the key so that the guys didn't have to wait for them to get back. She expected Smackle to join them but she had said that she couldn't make it, never really giving a reason why. Still, she had told Maya that she hoped everything went well and Maya appreciated that.

Her mom and Shawn hop back into the truck with a couple bags, tossing one back to the girls.

"Thanks Uncle Shawn. Thanks Aunt Katy," Riley says, pulling out a bag of gummy bears and handing Maya a bag of chips.

"Yeah thanks guys," Maya says, taking the chips and putting them off to the side. Her stomach is a jumble of nerves and eating was the last thing she wants to do.

The drive to Saint Peter's isn't that long and she tries her best to enjoy it. Her and Riley sing along with the radio most of the way but the closer they get to the hospital the quieter she gets. When they pull up, she tries to brace herself for what is coming. She isn't so much nervous for the tests but facing her father and his family seem like one of the scariest thing she'll ever have to do.

"You ready," Riley asks. She can feel Riley's eyes on her as she stares up ahead at the building.

"Not really," she says, taking in deep breath. "But here goes nothing."

When they get inside her mom heads for the reception desk but they are immediately greeted by her father, his wife Sara and little KJ.

"Katy," her father says politely.

"Kermit," her mom says in return. Their exchange is civil but still slightly uncomfortable to watch. That is until Sara cuts in.

"Thank you so much for doing this," Sara says, pulling her mom into a hug. She can see the surprise on her mom's face but she quickly returns the hug. Her mom pulls away first but there is a look of understanding between them. Sara then turns to her, pulling her in for a hug too. When she pulls away all Maya can do is stare back at her, not really sure what to say.


Maya turns her attention to KJ who now stands underneath his mother clinging to her side. He stares up at her, his little face a mirror of her father's.

"Hi KJ," she says, kneeling down to him. She feels more comfortable down here with him than she does with whatever is going on up there. He lets go of his mother, seeming more comfortable that someone is on his level.

"Daddy told me that you're my sister. Is that true?"

She smiles.

"Yep I sure am." She isn't surprised that he doesn't remember her. The last time she saw him he was a baby.

"That's cool. So, you're here to help Sophie get better right," he asks, his little voice sounding even smaller. She glances back at her mom, Shawn and Riley before turning back to KJ.

"I'm gonna try my best," she reassures him.

"Good," KJ says. "Because I really want Sophie to get better." His little face turns down to the ground and when she looks up at Sara, who is still standing over him, there are tears in her eyes. Before Maya can respond the doctor appears behind her father.

"Mr. and Mrs. Hart?"

Her father and Sara turn to the doctor, expectantly.

"I checked on Sophie and right now she's stable so I'd like to move this along as quickly as possible before anything changes," she says, her tone managing to be both formal and personable. She turns to the rest of them, looking them over. "And which one of you is Maya?"

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