Has this ever happened to u?

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Has anyone else had like a bff or regular friend that you just loved hanging out and talking with them? But then one day they come out having a boyfriend or girlfriend then they just all of a sudden forget about you? Like the moment when you are handing out with them they just arn't there anymore and you just see them with their lover laughing and enjoying eachother. And when you actually finally get to talk with your friend its about their lover and sometimes y'all dont even talk for long since they see their lover or their lover calls or texts them so they just leave you hanging just to talk with their lover instead.

I wouldn't call it being selfish for atleast just wanting to spend some time with your friend to have a normal conversation without their lover being involed into it. I just wanted to know if this has happened to anyone else and if so, how'd you deal with it?

Well thats all bye

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