Loving can hurt./note.

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Ciao~ If you read my previous chapter you would have understand I was on debate if to discontinue this story or continue.

Well I decided to continue and I actually got an idea for this chapter update right here.

If you can see from the title it is indeed about love. My love life.

Well here it goes.


As you all know I was previously with the love of my life Lutz. If you see my very first updates on this book you clearly see it was about him and other stuff.

Lutz and I had a wonderful relationship. We even had a family. My famous son Lucas as you all know him if you all followed along my story and also my other kids.

I took him out my mind for a while now and today I got reminded about him.. I see a lot of people was a huge fan of the relationship shipping us and all that. I appreciate it. But to be honest it made me realize that I was holding all this in me and it hurts a lot. I never released it.  So today I guess I'm releasing it.

First off he did not cheat on me. We ended our relationship cuz we fell apart we drifted away from each other all of a sudden..

I haven't heard from him since then and yeah it hurts.

Love does hurt.

But it doesn't mean you should give everything up just cuz of it.

Eventually there's gonna be someone else.

Someone else that will make sparks fly for you. To make you feel one of a kind. To show you the love and care that you deserve.

At the moment. It's been months since Lutz and I split up.

I feel I'm ready to move on but I'm not rushing I'm waiting for the right person to come to me.

I can joke around like Ohhh he's fine and Ohhh I feel I have a crush. But in all honesty I don't feel that way I felt broken but that's not right at all. Now I'm releasing it all.

I'm ready to move on and let the right person come to me.


Well that's all I have for you all.

Ciao and never forget to not rush love cuz it'll come to you at the right moment. Love you all. ❤❤

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