2p France Ship??

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Ciao~~~ Today's topic is- .....🤨

Uh.. why are we writing about him..?

Admin: I meannnnn we did write before about Lutz, Victor, Oliver, Allen, and Matt. Well Atleast mentioned them.. BUT not about Francois.

Oooookay and I care whyyy..?

Admin: Because I want to. Now let's speak.

Ugh.. fine.

Admin: Mhm~ Well idk about y'all but I love this dudeeeee. The way he's like idc about anything I just want to drink, smoke, an fuck he doesn't care about love he's like, "what's the point of it it's just a waste of time," like omgggggg.

Okayy we get it.. Now what about him..?

Admin: Imagine you two together !? 😍 What a twist!!!!

-blushes- W-What?! N-No !!

Admin: Oh be quiet, it'll be interesting even if it's just a one time thing..

N-No. -looks away angrily-

Admin: I will love to see it happen I find him attractive~ lol c'mon atleast think on it 😂

-grumbles but thinks of him- .....he's not bad looking...

Admin: Ooo you see-

S-Shut up!! -blushes hard-

Admin: alright mister grumpy pants chill lol


Admin: wait. I just realized something...

What is it now..

Admin: It's chapter 69.. and we're talking about Francois..



-face palms- No just no..

Admin: shhhh... well that is all!!!! Byeeeee~~

Ciao. -waves goodbye-


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