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I know I haven't written in this for quite a while, mostly because I didn't really know what to say. So, for those of you who waited a long time, I am sincerely sorry that the wait was so long. I'm hoping that maybe I can make it up to you.




As far as love goes, I had it all wrong. And maybe it was all just part of growing up, or a need to understand what love really is, but I know now that love wasn't all I thought it was.

It isn't rainbows and butterflies, all kisses, all smiles. Love is crying for weeks because you miss someone. Love is finding a way to forgive someone you swore you hated, someone who hurt you so badly, you never thought you could forgive them. Love is knowing that you will never need another person the way you need them. It isn't about what you want, it's about what they need.

Love is knowing that even though it's going to hurt like hell, you do it anyways. Because it's what's best for the person you love. Love is making mistakes, over and over again, because it's a learning process. It doesn't last forever every time. It doesn't always work out. And it isn't supposed to work out every time.

Love is learning the difference between what you need and what you want. The difference between what's best for your heart and what you want, and it isn't always the same person.

I think through everything, love is what keeps you going. Love is that inkling of hope. It's that little voice in your head that whispers to you when you see that person. You just know that they're the one. Love is knowing when to wait, and when to just fall, head first, eyes closed, even if you know you're going to crash at the end of things.

Love is learning to love yourself, a messy, tear filled path, where you fall and stumble and hurt and heal. It's painful and wonderful and absolutely the best worst feeling to feel. It's what makes us, and destroys us.

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