Talking with roiskate

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My next  interview was conducted with roiskate, whose works include The Girl Behind The Throne, The Cherry Pickers and Insincerely Yours. Her writting is very well structured and often quite humorous and romantic. They are all definatelty worth reading, so check them out.


1. What is the first story you have ever written?

The first story I've ever written was this crappy supernatural romance, though I still love the initial plot and hope to one day publish it, my writing was basically crap- I'm talking unrealistic dialogue, over detailed sentences that contained so many big words (that I got from the thesaurus- I'll be honest, didn't really know what they meant!) all in all....twilight basically, but without the big words. I'm totally joking by the way.....Hah! sarcasm totally comes through in written form!

2. How did you come up with the plot line for The Girl Behind The Throne?

I can't really remember how I came up with the plot. I remember watching T.V and the idea just popped into my head. I can remember saying it in a rush to my sister and she came up with the title, the rest they say as history..(actually who does say that crap?). The plot line I was aiming for was Cinderella meets skins and hopefully I've achieved that.

3. Do you plan to make writing your full time occupation or is it more of a hobby?

I would love more than anything to write professionally. I wouldn't even care if I didn't get paid, for me it's the satisfaction of people telling me that they've enjoyed or even fancy my characters, it's the best thing that I've ever heard and every nice comment I receive I remember and It makes me want to do better for the sake of my readers.

4. How do you fix your writer's block?

Music most definitely. Writers block hits us all, and let's face it, it's a complete bitch. There's nothing worse than having the situation in your head and having no clue how to get it in words. I usually find a song to fit the mood of the chapter and daydream, putting myself in my character's shoes and it helps.

5. What styles and genres of writing do you prefer?

I definitely find that humor is always going to be a recurring theme in all my works, it just appeals to me to get my crazy conversations down on paper and have them actually make people laugh! It's such a buzz! I want to try to move my romance aspect into Supernatural and have a couple of plots I would love to write in the future!

6. What is your favourite Wattpad novel?

I definitely love My friends Kryzme and EricaStanciu's work, it's brilliant and written by such lovely people! My sister (and I'm not just saying this because the same woman bore us) is genuinely one of the most talented writers I've ever read in my life, she puts me in the shame definitely! I'm a fan of All I never wanted by ARCL37, He was hot by Ari3ll3 and Demon Girl by Miss_Fletcher, also the no so secret life of Helena Callahan by  Emmiie

7. What is your favourite published novel?

Oh again so so so many, but my newest favourite has to be Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Liani Taylor, it's one of my absolute must reads and I'm so jealous of such a fantastic idea!

8. What do you hope Wattpad will be like for you this time next year?

This time next year I hope to keep my amazing fans and to have finished at least three more books possibly one making the watty awards. I hope that other fantastic undiscovered writers make their way up the chain and get themselves noticed and above all I want to have a book of mine possibly considered for publishing so fingers crossed!.

9. Do you base any of your characters on real people?

I base all of my character on my amazing band of beautiful and insane friends. Each come through in my characters, my brilliant and hilariously crazy (seriously the guy passed out ON rollerblades) Best friend is a main feature in most of my stuff, my other ladymagnet comes through in the role of the player and most of the guy love interests are based on my amazing boyfriend (especially Jamie), all the Female roles tend to be a mix of at least four of my best female friends.

10. Where do you get your inspiration?

Real life situations inspire me. when I hear stories like the lovers of Valdaro (a plot is already in production) it instantly makes me want to write a love story behind that. Humor of any kind seems to trigger my own wacky sense of humor into productive drive so I can lean towards that at times, and others I might feel sad (rarely) and write a scene that could almost make you cry. It depends on what I'm doing or feeling at the time really.

11. What does writing mean to you?

If I didn't have writing in my life, I imagine I would be a pretty boring person. I find that it's my outlet to write down daydreams and help me be more creative. sometimes like anyone else I need to take a break, but it never lasts for long, and even now my family realises that when Róisín goes quiet it's a sign that she's thinking of a layout of a chapter.

12. How did you discover Wattpad?

It was my sister- sweetiepie98 that discovered wattpad first and I followed soon after. While she used it for reading I decided to try out something I had written and see what feedback I get from that!

13. If you could live as a character in one of your stories, who would it be?

Oh that's a tough one, but if I had to be anyone, it would be either Sloane from The Girl Behind the Throne or Saffron from The Cherry Pickers, they're both two funny and feisty women that if combined the world would implode!

14. Have you ever tried co-writing a story with another person if so, what was it like and if not would you consider it?

I have tried co-writing, but never seriously. It didn't personally suit me, I find that it can sometimes detatch you from the story so I've just stuck to my own since then, purely because of that, but there have been many brilliant combo books that are simply spellbinding, it's just personally it doesn't seem to suit me. but in the words of a 'great' little girl- Never Say Never!.

I would like to thank ScarlettHeart for taking the time to interview me!.


You're very welcome and we look forward to seeing more great works from you.

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