Talking With KidInAnAdultsWorld

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This interview is with KidInAnAdultsWorld, the author of Little Dreamer, Minions and The Dream For Your Life. Her writing is varied and makes for a very interesting read. Well worth taking a look.


1. What is the first story you have ever written?

Minions is the first one I wrote on here, I can't remember the first one I ever wrote as it was a long time ago

2. How did you come up with the plot line for Dream For Your Life?

I was talking about dreams with my friend (don't ask why, it's complicated) and she was wondering why people barely ever know they are dreaming

3. Do you plan to make writing your full time occupation or is it more of a hobby?

I would love to write full time

4. How do you fix your writer's block?

I move on to writing another part of another story and come back to it in a few hours.

5. What styles and genres of writing do you prefer?

I prefer writing horror, and absolutely hate writing fan fiction.. it feels too much like stealing someone else's work

6. What is your favourite Wattpad novel?

Addicted To Meth

7. What is your favourite published novel?

Probably Gone by Michael Grant

8. What do you hope Wattpad will be like for you this time next year?

I'm really not sure 9. Do you base any of your characters on real people?

No, all of my characters are completely made up

10. Where do you get your inspiration?

From day to day life and from music

11. What does writting mean to you?

It means everything, it's the one thing that seems to keep me sane (not literally) and I absolutely love it

 12. How did you discover Wattpad?

My friend introduced me to it

13. If you could live as a charater in one of your stories, who would it be?

Probably Crystal from Dream For Your Life as she has a nice life where she has a good job but still has free time

14. Have you ever tried co-writing a story with another person if so, what was it like and if not would you consider it?

Yes, several times, I'm actually in the middle of co-writing 3 stories as well as writing my others. It is a lot of fun as you get to meet new people and split the work between you, but if there are a lot of co-writers, it gets very very complicated.


Thanks for your time and we hope see more great works from you soon.

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