Talking with Sweetiepie98

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This time, I am talking with Sweetiepie98, the author of Vivian's Academy for Young Ladies, A Forgotten Salvatore and The Secrets of the Night. Her works are generally in the fantasy genre and always well written and extremely enjoyable. These are all fantastic reads.


1. What is the first story you have ever written?

Oh good lord.... first story I have ever written was a very crappy love story with no plot what's so ever...yeah it wasn't exactly a winner :L Thankfully I came to my senses and deleted the story not long after it was posted.

2. How did you come up with the plot line for Vivian's Academy For Young Ladies?

Funny enough I can barely remember writing the first chapter of Vivian's... I guess I saw that the student teacher thing was really big so I thought I'd give it a lash.

3. Do you plan to make writing your full time occupation or is it more of a hobby?

Yeah i would defiantly make it a full time thing.... i hope :/ haha i want to go to college and study journalism after i finish school so i'll have to see how it goes from there.

4. How do you fix your writer's block?

I can never really fix writers block because I always have it....but if it's on one particular story then I read some of my favorite books and just stop writing for a while.

5. What styles and genres of writing do you prefer?

I prefer writing fantasy stories because they always have the abnormal in them, I can always just fall into the fantasy world because it's a hell of a lot more interesting then my own!

6. What is your favourite Wattpad novel?

My favorite Wattpad novel is...........(I actually have to think about this as well) Insincerely Yours by Roiskate. I know it's sad but really it's one of my favorite things on this site.

7. What is your favourite published novel?

My favorite published novel is Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte! I mean it's a classic and the woman can write! Even though Cathy annoys the hell out of me the ending always seems to make me all soft and stuff.

8. What do you hope Wattpad will be like for you this time next year?

I hope Wattpad will hopefully be the same I guess :D I mean it's pretty good now so I wouldn't mind much difference.

9. Do you base any of your characters on real people?

Yeah, I base nearly all my characters on real people. A good few on my family and the slightly insane ones on my best friends.

10. Where do you get your inspiration?

My inspiration comes from very, very random times when I would just be sitting down and BAM! a new story is born! Nah, I'm only messing, I wish it was like that .... I normally just get an idea from very random pics and objects and work on it from there.

11. What does writing mean to you?

Writing for me is escape from my troubles and worries of a normal day. It allows me to make the weird and wonderful happen to imaginary people (It sounded a lot less evil in my head)

12. How did you discover Wattpad?

I discovered Wattpad when I stumbled across it while looking for more reading material :D Then I got Roiskate hooked.

13. If you could live as a character in one of your stories, who would it be?

If i could be anyone from my stories it would have to be either Arianna or Cleo from The Secrets of the Night because Arianna can trained fighter.... then there's me, whose the smallest in my year. Then there's Cleo who has like 20 siblings, I only have one and her boyfriend...their alright I guess.

14. Do you have any new or upcoming stories planned?

Well I kinda do and it's called 'Love, Lust & Lycanthropy.' It's my first werewolf story so it's gunna have a tiny little bipolar plot wandering around somewhere.

Thank you, ScarlettHeart for my first interview, it's been a pleasure :)

Annie :D


Thanks also to you and we hope to see more great work from you in the furture.

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