Talking with KATIE4DAMON

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I am now chatting with KATIE4DAMON, the writter of Chaos Strikes into Darkness, No Fear anf Wasp and. Her works usually feature fantasy of supernatural and are fascinating and intense. These are definately worth checking out.


1. What is the first story you have ever written?

I wrote my first story when I was seven years old, and writing became my life. The story I wrote wasn't the best thing I've ever written, but it's okay.

2. How did you come up with the plot line for Chaos Strikes into Darkness?

I decided I wanted a fantasy story, and I had the sudden idea to write about this girl who had this amazing destiny, and had to choose what to do about it.

3. Do you plan to make writting your full time occupation or is it more of a hobby?

I would love it if was my full time occupation, as I love to write. I imagine being a writer full time would be quite challenging, but really fun at the same time.

4. How do you fix your writer's block?

When I have serious writer's block, I step back from the writing for a while. If I try to force myself to write, it ends up really bad. I just wait for the writing give me some ideas, and if I can make them work that's awesome.

5. What styles and genres of writting do you prefer?

I prefer horror/supernatural stuff. For a little while I went through a phase of the vampire romance, and I still like it, it just depends on the story.

6. What is your favourite Wattpad novel?

I read loads of novels on Wattpad, but my favourite at the moment is wearetheminority's Green Day fanfictions. They're really good, and brilliantly written.

7. What is your favourite published novel?

My favourite published novel is probably Hell's Heroes by Darren Shan,. It's the tenth one in his series about demons, and just brillantly written and really scary.

8. What do you hope Wattpad will be like for you this time next year?

I hope that I'll be able to make more friends, and to get my writing more noticed. I didn't just join Wattpad for recognition for my stories, but also to make more friends who are intrested in similar things to me.

9. Do you base any of your characters on real people?

I base some of my characters on real people, but most of them are based on parts of myself that not many people get to see. They're more the people I want to be.

10. Where do you get your inspiration?

Most of my inspiration comes from music and real life. I listen to music when I'm writing, mostly Green Day and classic rock,. A lot of songs have lyrics that influence me to write stories in a similar way to the way the song is written.

11. What does writing mean to you?

Writing is pretty much my life. I can't really think of anything else I'd rather be doing. I love music as well, but certainly not on the scale of writing.

12. How did you discover Wattpad?

I discovered Wattpad when I was searching the Writing club on a website called Fanpop. Someone had posted a link to one of their stories, and I just knew instantly that I would love to be on here.

13. If you could live as a character in one of your stories, who would it be?

If  I was one of my characters, I would probably be someone like Roman in Chaos strikes into Darkness. He's really funny and very confident, and is basically just loveable. I like my character Angelo from The Wasp too, but he goes through some awful stuff, so I wouldn't really want to be him.

14. Do you have any new or upcoming stories planned?

I've recently got into watching the show Supernatural, and I have a few fanfictions I'm thinking of putting on. I also have a few story ideas that might genrate into something. I guess I don't really know yet.

Thanks for doing this :D


You're welcome. Thanks for your time and good luck in the future.

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