Chapter 21-

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"Hey doofus brain."
Ah, it's great to hear his voice again.
"Hey Evan. It's been too long. How have you been, schmucky?!"
"How have I been? Junior year is a killer! At least the team is doing alright this year. Not the same without you, man."
I feel myself smile.
"I miss you all so much. There's really nothing going on here. Like ever."
"Really? Must be a dump. Besides, basketball players are supposed to be the best people, but the ones by you are not living up to that!"
Wow, all this Aly talk, I forgot about basketball!
"So how is it? Do you still shoot and crap by them? Is that the only court?"
"Uh...I don't know.." I mumble.
"You don't- Asher, you still like basketball right? You didn't change on me right?! I need my best friend. Oh gosh what happened?!"
"Dude. Chill. I love basketball." I laugh.
"Ok good! You scared me there!"
"Naw man. I've just been a bit distracted..." I grunt.
"Distracted eh? With a girl."
"You know me so well." I laugh.
"So well that I even met her. That Aly girl ammiright?"
"No.." I lie.
"Ash, you suck at lying and we both know it."
"Shut up!" I giggle.
"So are you playing baseball instead now?"
"Evan, I swear I'm going to strangle you."
"Through the phone? Nice idea, genius."
"Do you even understand sarcasm?" I laugh more.
Evan legit is the funniest kid I know.
"Oy. Well Ashy-"
"Ooh mama Sienna Westman! Someone must be in deeeep shit!"
"Shut up!! Ugh I can guarantee you I didn't put something away or something because I'm an 'adolescent male selective listener'."
"And I guess you are too."
"Uh huh. I'm sorry I'm multitasking."
"Well have fun single tasking because I'm hanging up."
"Bye, Loser."
"Boo, you whore." I hang up.
I blink a few times.
"WHAT!" I yell.
I walk out of my room and my mom is staring me down hard.
"We need to talk. Now."
She sounds super pissed.
This definitely cannot be good....
I feel my eyes roll. Nice one, Freddyboy.
"What did I do now? I swear I fasted during Yom Kippur!"
"Fasting repents for last year, Asher.."
I just look down because I have no idea where this is heading.
"And that's not what this is about."
I chuckle because I figured that the whole time. I'm a nice Jewish boy who doesn't need anyone to remind me when the holidays are...ok that's half true.
"Asher, lets sit down."
Oh no..
"Look, I'm at a loss. I'm really upset and disappointed with you, Asher! Zoey told me about your meds?!"
Come on, Zoey!!
Then again, I haven't really seen Zo since I ran out the other day.
I look at the floor and giggle nervously to myself.
"This isn't funny, Asher! So part of the time when we saw lack of improvement it was because you dumped your pills?!"
"Well, you'd practically force feed me if you saw a full bottle!" I protest.
"Asher! I would hope we can have an honest relationship and that you'd tell me if you didn't want something. Especially involving your health!"
Wink wink wink
REALLY, Fred?!?!?
"Mom...I'm going through a lot right now. More than you'd ever understand."
"Asher. I know. We are all going through a lot right now."
Mom says in a tone I've never heard on her before.
"But that doesn't mean you're getting out easy. Life's hard. That's it. It may seem well and sunny fine for others, but Asher it hits everyone at some point. It hits them hard. You are a strong young man, so you can handle getting hit with a ton of bricks right now. Also, I'm going to have to punish you still for what you did!"
I roll my eyes, voluntarily!
"Bring it on..." I mumble.
"Don't be sarcastic mister! You committed a crime in this household! I thought you were under the influence of medication! I made sure each and everyday that your body was in tact!"
"My body?! Didn't you see what those dumb pills did to my body?! I was a zombie!"
"Asher, we are done with this discussion. You are not to leave the house the rest of the week."
"Mom, but Halloween is this Friday!"
"Well tough."
"Are you serious?! You aren't going to let me enjoy one of my last Halloweens because of a stupid pill?!"
"Fine. You are to take Zoey trick-or-treating. AND stay with her the whole day."
"Fine. Until 9."
"Asher, are you serious?!" Mom warns.
"I have a date!" I admit.
Grunt grunt
"A date?"
"Yeah...she's that mentor from that buddy program you signed me up for. Her name is Aly.."
"Eva's daughter? We play mahjong! And she's part of SEPTA."
"You joined SEPTA? Are you trying to embarrass me?" I huff.
But first, real talk: Aly's mom is friends with my mom?!?!
"I'm happy you're getting on with some girl, but I'm not totally convinced that this should have any effect on your punishment!"
Ringringring!!! Brrrrring!!!
I dart out before mom can tell me to wait here.

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