Chapter: 2

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Green and Blue


Her piece of toast had been buttered liberally - and it was making her absolutely queasy. She sat between Marlene and Lily, the latter having just nudged her as she saw their head of house coming their way as she handed out class schedules.

"I hope we get at least some classes together." Lily's bright green eye's shone with a kind of energy that no one should possess this early in the morning.

Jude just nodded grabbing for a piece of bacon on the tray in front of her. She was quite taken aback when she bumped hands with James Potter, one of the boy's she met on the train.

"Alright, Moran?" he asked, a little bit of concern on his face.

"Fine, just - I didn't notice you there before." She said, regaining her composure. "And hello to you boys." She said to Sirius, Remus, and Peter.

James gave her a flashy smile before he went back to eating his scrambled eggs.

Jude turned her head away from James and back to Lily.

"Just the boys I met on the train." she shoved the entire piece of bacon in her mouth to avoid talking for a short while.

If there was one thing Jude hated, it was drama. Or confrontation. They actually go hand in hand, she thought. The young girl had mentioned to Lily that James Potter sounded like the sort of person that she would rather not acquaint herself with. Although she had yet to see him act in a distasteful way, she was sure that he would eventually, and she just was making sure she wasn't caught in the line of fire.

She felt something hit her and she looked over to see Sirius with an innocent look on his face, "Don't look so shocked, Moran. You zoned out for a good two minutes, and look-" He held up a couple of schedules. "-We're in all the same classes! Isn't that great?"

Jude visibly paled, or maybe It was only James who noticed. They hadn't done anything to her, or so he thought. Maybe she just doesn't like Sirius, or school, or both? Or maybe it was because she was kind of shy. He shook his head - and sighed whilst readjusting his glasses - If I were shy I would be glad to have someone I knew in all the same classes as me.

"Oi, Potter! Not you, too!"

Jude stayed quiet as she walked with Sirius to their first lesson, which, of course, was not her idea. She kept her head down as they walked through the corridors, sufficiently -

"You know, you could talk. I swear I don't bite." The black haired boy looked down at her with a cheeky grin, no doubt.

- never mind.

"I don't know what to talk about." She said simply, readjusting the books in her arms.

"Well, why not?"


"Because why?"

"I don't know, I don't talk to people usually." She looked straight ahead wishing the castle wasn't as big as it was.

"What? That's crazy. How'd you expect to make friends if you don't talk to people?"

They unconsciously slowed their walk as they got more into the conversation.

"I don't."


"I don't need to divulge my whole life to you." She replied hotly.

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