very important message

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Hello, long time no see. As you may have noticed this is a dead story, but you know what's not a dead story? If I Fell, a new James Potter fanfic I am currently working on. I just published a little bit of it a little while ago. Please, go read it, I get a little preachy about feedback on the coming soon\preview thing but it really does mean a lot.

Also, I would like to thank all of you for reading this story. I mean I stopped writing it because I was insecure about my writing I thought it was garbage. I mean its a little cringey but its kinda good? I just want to finish writing a story, like at this point I'm literally just doing it because I love James Potter and because there are only a handful of stories that are not about Jily and are actually finished. That's a noble cause, right? 

Ok, so, thank you if you decide to read this new story and thank you for reading this one. I hope you have a nice day!

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