Larry : Rollercoaster

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"I can't believe we're actually doing this Lou! I'm so nervous!"

Harry said not taking his eyes from the massive rollercoaster in front of him.

"Don't worry babe I'll hold your hand the entire time." Louis flashed his bright smile towards Harry who was to worried biting his nails to notice.

"Oh god Boobear we'll be on the next time! Maybe if we turn around now we can get through the long line and get on something else!" Harry tired to encourage his idea but Louis shook his head.

"No Haz were doing this together and besides we waited in this line for an hour and a half! There's no way I'm leaving this spot and either are you unless its to get on this ride! Trust me everything will be alright!"

"Oh god it's our turn..."

Louis watched as Harry stepped into the seat first and then climbed in after him to make sure Harry didn't take off and make him ride it by himself.

"Babe! Jesus stop shaking or people are gonna think your having a damn seizure!" Louis laughed.

Harry slapped Louis' lap.

"Its not funny!"

Louis intertwined there fingers and squeezed tightly as other passengers entered the ride.


"Yeah Hazza?"

"W-what if we die?"

"Seriously Harry? We are not gonna die, Calm down!"

The coaster started going and started heading up the first and the biggest hill.

Harry tightened his grip on Louis hand so there knuckles turned white.

"OW Babe thats starting to hurt!" Louis yelled.

"O-oh s-sorry."

"It's oka-"

"Woah Uh Lou what's happening?!"

"I don't know, I think the coaster is stopping."

"WHAT?!?!?!?" Harry started to freak out, squirm around in his seat, and hyperventilate as the rollercoaster came to a complete stop at the very top of the hill looking over the entire park.

"HARRY!" Louis grabbed Harry's shoulders and did his best to hold him in place facing each other, "Please calm down, your getting yourself to worked up. Just Breathe."

Harry looked into his lovelys boyfriend eyes and relaxed a bit.

"I'm so scared Lou." Harry cried.

Louis wrapped his arms around Harry and held his close. Harry snuggled his head into the crook of Louis' neck and silently let a few tears fall.

"I swear Harry if I new this was gonna happen I wouldn't of made you get on! I'm so sorry."

"I-it's okay babe as long as your with me I think I'll be alright."

Louis ran his fingers through Harry's bouncy curls.


Two long agonizing hours passed and Harry began to doze off. Louis placed soft kisses on his face from time to time to keep him awake incase the coaster starts going again.

Finally they felt a jerk and the coaster started to slowly go forward and they creeped over the top of the hill. Harry lifted his head for a minute to see what was happening only to put it right back on Louis' shoulder.

The coaster took its path and reached the station.

A voice came over a speaker apologizing to the passengers.

Louis got out and helped Harry out.

Harry surprised Louis by right away jumping in his arms and kissing him. Harry shoved his tongue in Louis' mouth deepening the kiss.

"I love you so much Babe!"

"Wow Jezz Haz I was not expecting that." Louis replied clearly out of breath.

"Well considering we almost freaking died!" Harry wrapped his legs around Louis' waist and Louis carried Harry down the ramp and onto a bench in the park.

"We didn't just almost die okay. The coaster just got stuck. Its not like we were falling off it." Louis Chuckled, "....BUT I Love You Too Baby!"

They shared another kiss before Louis scoped a tired Harry in his arms and left the park to go home and snuggle.





~HERES A LARRY FOR YEAH! Tell Me what you guys think pwwweaseee! Thanks loves and VOTE!<3"

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