Signing w/ my dad

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Colby Pov

I was sleeping peacefully til my phone rang,I had looked at the caller ID and the name said Luke H. I had answered and said "hey Luke what up?" Luke said "Colby you know what time it is?" I had looked at the time and it said "4:02" I said "it's 4:02 what about it" Luke said "your signing with One Direction and WWE" I had shot out of bed and I said "now you tell me this,save me a seat okay I'm on my way but that signing tomorrow" Luke said alright and no that today bye I said "bye" I had hung up and looked through my closet and found a outfit I had put on a white tank top with blue jeans and a cropped jacket and my MK shoes I had grab my keys and I had walked out of my room and I bump into a wall I think

I had looked up and saw my dad I said hi dad what you need my dad said well you got a signing today right? I said yeah why my dad said cause you got your signing with the Shield" I said well you riding with them or me? My dad said with you we can catch up with each other" I said alright well don't judge my choice of music I had picked up my keys we heard a truck horn I said does this happen a lot Dad said yes let's go

Me and my dad had walked downstairs and I had unlocked my door and my dad had hopped in the passenger seat my dad said Seth was right you got bad taste in music I said but Driver pick the music shotgun shut his cakehole I had drove out of the parking lot and drove to the building.
D-so how old were you when you graduated?
C-I was 15 I had skipped elementary, middle and I was a sophomore in high school and I was first to graduate in my class.
D-well that nice so you were 16 in college
C-yeah the only people that taught me anything was the web,books,and my friends which I barely had some cause I kept getting picked on for not having a father figure in my life
D-well that was just mean
C-yeah the only time I had a sense of spirit was when I got into dark fighting but Holy Holms found me and trained me
D-wow so where you learned how to fix cars
C-um actually I taught myself ever since Aunt Ronda brought me this car she brought me the parts I need it and I fixed it
D-wow so how did you got in the music business
C-I was 17 years old just in the park playing guitar and singing and guy came up towards me offered me everything own tour bus,private jet,limo,big house,better life I left Ashley here while I gone. I had brought a house in Vegas by the mountain with security gate no one can get in only me and a guest
D-so what is your full name is
C-It is Colby Blythe Moxley Riker Ambrose
D-wow so what you usually go by
C-my friends call me Colby, Colbster, Blythe Rocker Bly,Moxley,Moxie,Little Moxley
D-wow so do you mind me asking,why do you like these type of cars
C-cause they are incognito cars even if one person says my name I'm uncovered
D-oh well guess you don't like to be on camera that much
I said I just want the attention to be away for awhile.
D-yeah I understand
*We had arrived at the building and we had parked and we got out
I had asked the security to take us to the meeting while I was walking I heard my nickname being called I had turned around and I had saw Officer Trent daughters I said hey Lola and Minnie
Minnie said who these guys
I said that a secret but you here for the signing
Minnie said yup
I said well I got to go see you there

I had walked to the signing table while I was waiting for my dad to come back once they came back the Signing started two twins had came up to me

I said "Hi what y'all today for me to sign" the girl had hand me a copy of my last concert poster and the boy had gave me a copy of my CD

I had signed them and the twins left the next one was a girl with braces and had my merchandise on she said "can you sign my guitar for me"

I said sure

After a while the signing was over I had went to my car and I had waited for my dad
I saw him on the phone I honked the horn

I said let's go I wanna go to sleep
Dad said I'm coming
We had drove to the hotel and I changed into my pajamas and went back to sleep

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