Shopping/Meeting a loyal fan

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Colby Pov

I had grab my dad room key and I had yelled "I'm going shopping, I'll be back around 6 something bye!" I had close the door and I called my limo I had waited a minute before my limo pulled up I said "hi Ria" Ria said "hey girl where to today?" I said "to the mall,and then the spa and can you put in the CD?"

She said "sure and okay" *Ria had put in the CD and she started driving* I had relaxed and Ria was driving. After a while, Ria had arrived at the mall. I had got out and I said "You want me to get you anything?" Ria said "If you want to,it's your day off" I said "alright" I had walked into the mall and I first went to the Louis Vuitton and Aeropstale outlet.

Seth Pov
After Colby left,I had got up off the couch and stretched and said"Well I going out" Dean said "Alright" I had grab the car keys and room key and walked out and got in the truck. After a while,I had arrived at the mall and saw Colby walk in. I had parked the truck and I had followed right behind Colby and I saw her holding four bags.

Colby Pov
I just love shopping I was looking for the next store,I saw a costume store and they had a Supergirl costume with a tutu. I had brought it and went to the converse store and I brought at least 10 pairs of converses.

I then went into the customized store and my best designer was in there I said "Hey Nick,I need something done" Nick said "What is it?" I said "Well I need a jacket saying "Shield:Dean Ambrose" then a hoodie saying "Colby's best friend" and lastly a towel saying "Colby Riker world singer" Nick said "Okay and somebody want to see you" I said "Okay" I had turned around and look down and saw a little and her mother I said "hi what's your name?" The little girl said "Blythe and you're Colby Riker!?" I said "yes I am you must be a fan?" Blythe said "yes,you help me with the bullying I went through and the secret I just found out" I said "what was the secret you can tell me anything" Blythe said "Well I just found out that I'm adopted and my real family is somewhere else and they don't want me" I said "Blythe how about we go to a spa and relax and then I might have a friend who would love you" Blythe said"really?!" I said "yup now Nick those shouldn't be ready til next week right?" Nick said "yup" I said "alright let's go Blythe" me and Blythe had left the mall and we had walked to the limo

I had knocked on the window I said hey Ria I got a surprise for you" Ria said what is it I said Blythe meet Ria Ria meet Blythe your new daughter"

Ria had hugged me and said "thank you so much Colby you're the best" I had smiled and looked at the time I said well I'm going to the hotel"

Ria had opened the back door and I had put my bags next to me and Ria drove to the hotel

Once we got back to the hotel I had unlocked the door and I had put all of my bags at the edge

I had took off my boots and I had went to sleep for at least three or four hours

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