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King of the Court.

It was a title given to him by his former teammates due to his rather...dominating nature. He was, without a doubt, a talented and genius setter however, Kageyama wasn't exactly the friendliest person in the room. In fact, for him to be considered as anyone's friend seemed far from possible.

He was demanding. Oppressive, controlling, unapproachable, and every other word synonymous to being a tyrant described the dark-haired teen and because of this, everyone from his team distanced themselves from him hence Kageyama's other nickname: the solitary king.

To be referred and treated as such became a burden and it intensified during one time at a competition wherein Kageyama tossed the volleyball and only to hear the sound of said object hitting the floor. The genius setter turned around and saw no one was there to hit his perfect toss. His teammates were gathered together while shooting him a look of disdain; even the coach gave him a look of disapproval as he told the dark-haired teen to go sit on the bench. He was too much for everyone.


"We're not following you anymore."


Was he really just that – an oppressive ruler of the volleyball court whose tosses could never be reached by anyone? Was he going to stay that way forever – alone and untouchable?


Then came Hinata Shouyou. That orange-haired shorty defied everything anyone said about Kageyama being superior and feared. The ultimate decoy was one of the few, if not, the only person unafraid to knock some sense into the setter regardless of being hit on the head or being called 'dumbass!' by said setter. Hinata dared challenge Kageyama into being the best (despite being teary-eyed and shaky) and the little brat even proclaimed that he would defeat the taller male in volleyball.

Things did not go as planned when the two found themselves standing on the same side of the court. Their bickering did not end though, and the freak duo could be found racing against each other to see who was the fastest, much to the annoyance of a certain blond middle blocker but it didn't matter. They brought out each other's competitive side and they had this connection which couldn't be fully explained yet they understood one another and what they were thinking. Kageyama would hit Hinata's head whenever the short male felt insecure, and Hinata would yell at the dark-haired teen whenever unwanted thoughts of the past filled the setter's mind. They had an uncanny relationship but one thing was for sure:

Together, they were invincible.

'That's right.' Kageyama thought. 'You don't win alone.'

The setter made a perfect toss waiting to be spiked by the one person he never thought would be his greatest ally. Hinata would never allow Kageyama's tosses to go wasted and the latter would perform to the best of his ability to bring out the shorter male's true strength as the team's ultimate decoy

Kageyama waited for the sound of powerful impact and yet the only sound he heard was that of the ball bouncing off the floor.


Oh. He's not here.

Realization dawned on him as he went to pick up the volleyball.

'Hinata's not here anymore.'

Kageyama exited the gym and walked home alone. He frowned.

The night was too quiet for his liking...

...yet he knew he had to get used to it.



Hello there! Here's a collection of sad Haikyuu! oneshots starring the volleyball dorks! These are just short fics. I wouldn't really want to dwell on writing a novel and the next chapter would be about a different pairing (romantic or platonic - your choice).

In any case you're wondering about the title (Ifs), well it revolves around sad scenarios that we don't want to happen to these sweeties, yet lo and behold the power of fanfiction and a slightly screwed mind :D

What happened to Hinata, you asked? Leave it to your imagination: he could have died in a horrible accident or he just went ahead and Kags was being dramatic (though I doubt it and why?)

Thanks for reading! Leave a review and other whatnots :) Until the next one~!

(This story can also be found in albeit a different username)  

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