My Little Sunshine

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"If we fall, let's fall forward!"


Practices had been quiet nowadays. Everyone was aware of that, yet all of them refused to point it out. The only sound which caused a ruckus inside the gymnasium was the noise the volleyballs made upon being spiked. Even the freak duo and Tanaka were oddly silent: the trio were usually loud, but recently, they were the exact opposite. Nevertheless, the members of the Karasuno volleyball club carried out their practices well although it wasn't the same with the absence of a certain someone.

Without him, everyday seemed much too ordinary.

"Everyone, that's enough for today!" Ukai announced. He knew what the others were experiencing and he didn't blame them. On his part, he had to re-strategize since they were down with one crucial player.

The team went to pack their belongings and helped in cleaning the gym before it was locked up. They bid each other goodbye before heading towards their respective destinations.

"Hey, Asahi-san." Tanaka began.

The ace faced his companion. "Hmm? What is it?"

"I wouldn't be able to join you today. Sis needs my help with some job." The younger explained and frowned. "Please tell him that I'm sorry. I really want to visit him but there's been a conflict and – "

"I'll tell him, don't worry." Asahi reassured. "He's not going away anytime soon." Who was I kidding?

Tanaka looked like he was desperately fighting off the tears that threatened to form on the corner of his eyes. The soon-to-be ace handed his senior a small plastic bag which contained two packs of garigari-kun soda ice cream.

"Then please give this to Noya-san!"

"I will." The glass-heart giant said. "I better go now."

After parting ways with Tanaka, Asahi hurriedly made his way to the hospital. The weather was fine yet he wouldn't risk having the libero's favourite treat melting.

'It's a lot quieter without him around.' Asahi thought. 'Everyone else knows this...but,'

Nobody wanted to believe it. No one wanted to believe that someone in the team was diagnosed with a life-threatening illness – especially not Nishinoya, their ever-so energetic libero and guardian deity. Everyone wished it was just a joke cruelly uttered but alas, reality hit the team hard once they found themselves practicing without their libero.

They had to make huge adjustments and it wasn't easy. As for Asahi, it took him a while to get used to Yuu's absence. Karasuno's ace had to constantly remind his self not to screw up so much with his spikes because Nishinoya wouldn't be around screaming rolling thunder while diving to save the ball from touching the ground. With his life outside of volleyball, Asahi had to toughen up and looked at things more positively (with occasional help from Sugawara). Every time Asahi felt discouraged, Nishinoya's words of motivation would resonate inside the ace's mind until he was calm once more. Asahi felt like Nishinoya was just standing in front of him, the libero sporting his signature grin while exclaiming that no one would have to worry because he has their backs.


Nishinoya's positivity was so remarkable, he made everything seem conquerable.

The glass-heart giant finally arrived at the hospital and went up to Yuu's room. The libero was alone and was staring out the window but he immediately broke into a smile upon seeing his teammate.


Aforementioned teen smiled. "Hello, Nishinoya. Ah, these are from Tanaka. He couldn't be here since he had to help his sister."

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