Game Over

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He wasn't sure when he got here, but the blinding lights and the green walls coupled with the people in white indicated that he was in the hospital being rushed into who-knows-where. The teen tried to move a muscle, but only to fail and cough up what he presumed was blood due to the taste. His weak and blurry vision attempted to scan the area and saw exactly where he was heading to: the emergency room.

This was a far cry from his original destination. He, along with the rest of the Nekoma volleyball team, was bound for a trip to Miyagi due to a practice match against their long-time rival, Karasuno. Everyone was looking forward to the game although it was not obvious since majority of the team were snoozing away. The travel to Miyagi was long so they had to leave during the wee hours of the morning thus their sleepy forms. Of course, not everyone was sound asleep and some couldn't fall asleep, especially not Kenma since the poor boy was constantly bombarded with questions, thanks to Lev. The much taller teen was finally hushed – thank goodness! – by a kick from a very annoyed Yaku before the libero grabbed his junior by the ear and dragged Lev to his seat. Kenma sighed in relief then turned to glare at his chuckling companion.

"What?" He asked.

"He's really found of you, isn't he?" Kuroo stated with his signature smirk.

Kenma, however, merely shrugged and turned to face the window. Everything was going fast – from this trip to volleyball games – and it won't be long until the 3rd years would graduate. With that inevitable event in mind, Kenma wondered what he would do next, especially without Kuroo to pester him into doing something (Lev also had that job but those two tall players were different). It had always been his childhood friend that brought the pudding-head out of his shell, even for just a quick while. Kenma swore he wouldn't even be here, much less join the volleyball team, if it weren't for the older male.

What would Kenma do after the school year ends? Would he even continue playing volleyball for the team? Who was he going to hang-out with?

'I don't know.' The setter thought. 'I really don't.'

With that, Kenma yawned and drifted to sleep.



'What's that sound?'


In a blink of an eye, Kenma found himself on a hospital bed, his body bloody and bruised. Too injured to move, Nekoma's setter focused on the voices of the doctors and nurses. Apparently, their bus went toppling down a cliff due to a miscalculated turn hence resulting to the situation he was currently in.

'Wait...what about the others?'

"Doctor, he's losing a lot of blood!"

Ah, that explained his light-headedness.

"His right arm and leg are broken! We need operation STAT!"

Oh, that explained why his right side hurt.

"Doctor! We're losing him!!!"


Oh. Was that why Kenma felt like dying?


Gradually, his vision went black.

But he wasn't dead.

He heard voices, one of which was a distinct tone.

"But sir! It's too risky!"

"It doesn't matter! Just do it!"

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