Chapter 5

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As I sang the last line of the song my glance darted in her direction. Even from afar I could see how her eyes lit up, like they always had when we were together. She seemed happy, and I was glad. That was all I had really wanted for her, anyways. The music ended, and the crowd cheered. "Thank you, thank you." I laughed. The fact that I was up here on a stage in front of an audience still made me laugh. I was still the same shit I had always been, but now people liked it. 

I knew this next song would get through to her. It said everything I wanted to, in the past and now, and hopefully she would hear it. 

"Okay, this is Fireside. It's from our new album, and it says a lot of things I wish I could say now."

God that was honest, I'd never been this way in concert before, so hopefully no one noticed. 

*Lillia's POV*

Vi leaned over, "This is one of my favorites; I think you'll like it. The lyrics are so good." She was obviously entranced by the band. "Okay, well then I'll have to listen to them, won't I?" I laughed back. I really would concentrate on them, though. The more I listened to the songs the more they sounded like Alex and I, and I still really liked the sound of that. 

"I can't explain, but I want to try. There's this image of you and I, and it goes dancing by in the morning and in the night time…." I mentally swooned. He had always been amazing, but especially so tonight. "There's all these secrets that I can't keep; like in my heart there's that hotel suite, and you lived there so long. It's kinda strange now you're gone…" That brought me back to the time I lived in a hotel. 

My dad had just been demoted at his work; some new lawyer had filled his shoes, and now he couldn't make as much. It was my sophomore year, and I was moved into The Gringley. The place was nice, and when Alex had come over he had always liked it, but it was no house. They always said we would only be living there one more year, but in the end I was there until I left for uni. 

I remember at first I never wanted to go to the suite with Alex; I hated it. One day when I was just about to start in whining that we go to his place to study instead, he took my hand. "Before you complain, come with me. I've found us a place where we can go all the time." 

Alex's past voice glided in with Alex's present voice, "and I suspect you already know. But that place on memory lane you liked still looks the same, but something about it's changed." I began to wonder whether the place he took me to had changed. It was an abandoned house pretty far from both the hotel and school. It was a long walk everyday, but we liked talking together and holding hands in the cold wind of Sheffield. It was our hiding place from the entire world. 

*Alex's POV* 

 Just us together. The memories of that house clouded my mind. I went searching through the whole town just to find that place, a place that would make her happy. There were lots of abandoned houses, but I didn't want one to close to school. I mean I didn't want anyone finding it, and I really wanted to be able to spend more time with her. It was my secret way of getting to know every little piece of her, and I loved every minute of it. 

The next words I sang I really meant. "And I thought I was yours forever, well maybe I was mistaken, but I just cannot manage to make it through the day without thinking of you lately." I felt my voice tremble. That's just pathetic, but it was devastating to think about. That's one of the main reasons that I really didn't like playing this song in concert. It kinda just tore me up inside to think of my hopes back then, and how they were shattered for me in the end when she decided on Scotland. 

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