Jiriya being protective

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Jiriya just got to our house (Sasuke's house). "Hey Naruto. Haven't seen you in 4 months. I heard that you and Sasuke are finally together." "Yeah, and right after you left, he knocked me up." "Wait, your pregnant?" "Yes." "And you did the dirty?" "About 20 times since we started dating." "That damn Uchiha will pay for hurting my god son." "It's not his fault. We didn't know that I could've gotten pregnant." "Well, he should've been smart enough to put a glove on." "Calm down. This baby has brought us closer together, and because of Sasuke, the villagers started caring about me after the village meeting where he made his complaints." "Ok, but if he hurts you I'll cut his d-" "Ok, ok. Just go over there. That's gonna be your room and Sasuke bought tons of sake." "I'm starting to like him more.".

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