My Normal School Day

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I wake up to my annoying alarm clock, at 5:30 a.m. my day was just getting started. I head to the shower, washing my hair so I look presentable. Once that is done I pick my outfit, its jet black leggings, with a Nirvana shirt, with a matching black choker. To pull it off, I wear my black combat boots. I check the time seeing that its 7, I decide to wake Michael up. I knock on his door, and I hear him mumble, "come in." I walk in shaking him saying in a whisper, "get up, its 7 and you have soccer practice, and you still need to get ready."

"Only if you make me Nutella, and Vegemite toast." He smirks.

"Deal, be ready in 10."

I walk into the kitchen and out 4 slices of whole wheat bread, I place them all into the toaster. In about 1 and a half minutes, the bread is golden and crunchy, the perfect toast. I grab the Nutella and Vegemite, I grab 2 butter knifes to spread it all out. When I finish, Michael comes down, and kisses me in the cheek as a thank you. Michael drives his car to school, while I walk, he was embarrassed that if I was in his car, his girlfriend would get jealous, his girlfriend was perfect, she had light purple at the end of her hair, and she was beautiful. It was obvious that she had a good life. I finally get to school and get to my locker, only to have it close against my wrists, I scream in pain, as Calum just smirks, while saying to me, "why do you look like your in pain, should I make it worse?"

"Please Calum, please don't make it worse." I cry in pain.

I feel a weight get off the locker as he walks down the hall. I finally got my wrists free, as blood oozes out of my wrists. That's when I realized that Calum, just wanted me to feel pain. But I didn't know why.

School was horrible the rest of the day, Michael was at soccer practice and I walked home, only to hear a voice behind me, "where do you think your going, Clifford?"

"Home."was my only response, I say, while getting tackled, I feel a weight get off me, as sudden jabs are in my ribs, then into my stomache. I look up to see a boot, coming right towards my face, smashing into it. I wail in pain, as Calum comes closer to my face and says, "don't ever ignore me again. Got it."

"Got it." I say weakly, as everything went black. Apparently I was knocked out for about 2 hours before, I feel someone pick me up and place me into a car, and buckle me up. The car stopped, and someone grabbed me and brought me into a house, I faintly hear, someone saying my name, "Mathison. Mathison are you awake." I didn't respond, only to hear a frantic scream, "Mathison please wake up!" I slowly opened my eyes in pain, remembering that Calum stomped on my face. I open my eyes to see Michael, in my face. He hugs me tight, as I groan in pain. He looks at me with concern, I race to my room, and grab my razor, I make 5 new cuts on my wrists, I finally cleaned it up. I've been doing self harm for about 3 years now, I only do it because my life is that horrible. I walk into the bathroom quietly, and see what Calum has done, it wasn't that bad, only a cut on my lip. And a black eye. That's when I went back to my room and thought how I could end my life, about 2 months ago, my best friend, Abigayle hung herself. I never knew why, but why don't I just join her, nobody would miss me except Michael.

3 hours Later**

I wake up to hear, a knock on my door, I ignored it as I thought about how I could end my suffering. Next thing I know Michael comes in and tells me to GI downstairs and eat. I refused, but next thing u know, I'm thrown over his shoulder. He brings me down stairs, giving me the stare to start eating. I start eating, as I just want to throw it up. But I eat all of it. Michael knows why I don't eat, and why I do selfharm, he knows I get bullied but I refuse to tell him who does it, because he didn't know that it was his best friend.

Clifford's Secret Sister (Bullied by Calum Hood)Where stories live. Discover now