The Day I Decide To Do It

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School, was just as bad as yesterday, but this time Calum, pushed me into lockers, and into people blaming that I did it purposely. That made me realize that today was the day, nobody would miss me, I decided that I was going to hang myself. The thoughts just got to me. When Michael was at soccer practice, I hung the rope in the garage, so that when he came home, he would see my hung body. After that I made my note,

I'm only doing this because I can't deal with all the pain, from the bulling, now that I'm gone, Calum was the one bullying me. Please don't mourn so much, I'm in a better place, now that I'm finally at peace, with Abigayle, Mum, and Dad. I'm hoping that this will give you an idea on now my life, was badly treated, by getting bullied, and with Dad abusing me when we didn't go to your soccer games, which I'm sorry for. I know your a great soccer player, but he would sexually abuse me. And if I told you, I would be at the orphanage. I'm sorry I kept this from you. Now that I'm gone, hopefully your life is better without me here.
Goodbye Michael, Mathison.

I cried so much writing this note, leaving Michael to mourn for his dead twin sister, his sister Abigayle that died when she was 3, she jumped off a bridge when no one was looking, and his dead parents, I had no clue how he would handle this. Once I thought it was time I placed the note on the counter, then headed to the garage, I was in the step ladder, when the garage door began to come up, if I didn't do this now, Michael would become very protective. When he saw he rope around my neck as I jumped he ran out of his car to my twisting body, and pulled me up, so that I couldnt die. He pulled me up. I was still alive, but everything went black, I woke up a few hours later, found in a white room, with a white bed and bedding, and with the scent of hand sanitizer. I look to my side to see Michael staring at me with worried eyes. He saved me when I wanted to die. The doctors do all of their tests and say that I'm safe to go home. When we get home Michael makes me Chicken and Noddle Soup, then I hear screaming, I'm guessing he saw the note, because after the yelling he ran into the lounge area, handing me the note.

"Calum is the one bulling you?!" He screams in my face.

"Y-yes. I didn't want to ruin your guy's friendship." I whimpered.

"Well now that I know who bullies you, the friend ship is now over, I thought I trusted him."

"Let him explain, because I want to know why he's doing it. I don't want him to continue."

"He's coming over, right now whether he likes it or not, get in the car, we are going to pick Calum up."

"Why can't I stay here?"

"Because of what happened, I don't want you gone, I would never forgive myself."

"But it wasn't your fault."

"Just get in the damn car, Mattie!"

"OK." I whimper as he continues to yell.

We finally get to Calum's house, Michael goes up to the door, and tells Calum to get in the back seat of the car. I just look down at the floor, while I'm in the passenger seat. Michael comes back in the car, and speeds off until we get back to our house, he drags Calum in and shoves him to the ground, I became shocked.

"Why the hell are you bullying my sister?!" Michael screams.

"You have a sister?" Calum asks.

"Don't play dumb, I know your bullying Mathison, why."

"Because I want to." Calum says boldly.

"Dude, we were best friends and then you start bullying my twin sister, she almost hung herself, because of you."

"Whatever. Like she had the guts."

"C-calum, I a-actually did try to hang m-myself."

"Bullshit, like anyone would want you alive."

"Thats it!" Michael screams starting to kick him in the ribs.

"W-why are you b-bulling me c-calum."

"Because you're a nerd that no one likes."

I ran upstairs and go to my closet and grab my box of blades I grab one and began sliding it across my wrists, thighs, and finally my neck, knowing this is how I will kill myself. I begin doing it, until Calum's walks in and sees all the blood, and me cutting my neck to die.

Calum runs go me and grabs the box of blades and the blade away from my neck. Taking his shirt off to cover the wound on the neck.

"You actually had the guts to do it."

"No shit! You're the reason why I do this!" I scream in his face.

"I'm sorry, I only bullied you, to see how I felt when I got bullied, I never meant it to go this far. I've actually always liked you Mathison. You were the crush I never told anyone."

"Fuck off, I don't need your pity."

"No! I will not fuck off, I'm the reason why you tried to kill yourself twice in the same day, promise you won't do it again."

"No promises."


"Fine promise."

"Come on, Michael ordered pizza while I was up here."

I walk down stairs to see that pizza is here, and Michael sees Calum's shirtless, with his shirt around my neck. His eyes were filled with worry, I'm the only thing that he had left, our grandparents never cared for us, neither did our aunts and uncles. I hug Michael to show him that I'm still here, he returns the hug, but more tightly, and kisses my forehead, murmuring, "don't ever leave me, I need you."

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