Do I really Matter

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Calum's POV:

So Michael told me to get in the back seat of his car, but when I did I saw Mathison, I was damn scared that my emotions would get out, during the car ride. We finally got to Michael's house and he grabs my arm, as we go inside, and throws me onto the floor, yelling, "Why the Hell are you bulling my sister!"

He has a sister? "What sister?"

"Don't play dumb Hood, why are you bulling Mathison!"

"Because I can!" I yell back, as Mathison runs to her room.

"Dude, Mathison is my twin, but I don't want anyone to know, so go apologize to her, and speak to no one about this. Got it."

"Got it." I say back as I go towards Mathison's room. When I open the door, I wish I never saw anything so horrific. Mathison was covered in blood, with cuts on her wrists, thighs, and her neck. She was about to be out for good, before I took my shirt off and wrapped around her neck. She looked at me with pleading eyes, murmuring, "you did this to me."

"I didn't mean for it to go this far Mathison. I actually always had a crush on you, but I thought that if I bully you, I would get closer to you."

"See I had the guts to kill myself, twice in one night." She says, blacking out.

I run downstairs, with Mathison in my arms bridal style, Michael is shocked. My shirt was still around her neck. Michael and I rush to his car, and placing her in the back, making sure that she will live. Michael rushes in the hospital, I walk into the hospital after him, holding Mathison. The nurse looks shocked, and told us to follow her. We follow her into a hospital room, and I place Mathison on the hospital bed. They place all the cords on her body, that seemed lifeless. I needed her to make it, I don't want to be the reason, why someone committed suicide. I never meant it to go this far. Michael and I leave the hospital, around midnight, I stay at his house. I was worried that she wouldn't make it, I got no sleep, because I can imagine, her lifeless body being lowered to the hole, and it would be all my fault.

Mathison's POV:

I wkae up in a white room, with a white bed, smelling hand sanitizer and with cords all over my body. I look to see what time it is, and it reads 2:36 a.m. I've been in the hospital, since like 10 when I blacked out. There was fresh bandages on my neck, wrists, and thighs. I tried to kill myself again, Calum saved my life. How would I ever repay him, he hates my guts, but he said something before I blacked out, that I didn't understand, was it important what he said.

A nurse walks in and says that I would be in the hospital for 2 months, and that i was allowed no visitors, Michael won't be able to see me for 2 months.

2 months later:

Michael picks me up from the hospital, I was so glad to see him. For the 2 months in the hospital was complete hell, not allowing me to see my own twin brother. He basically helped save my life. If he didn't have a car, I would be dead, and Michael would have to mourn for me, he loved me, like I loved him, I need him in my life. We walk into the house, and all the lights are off, Michael turns them in and everybody yells Happy Birthday, because when I got out of the hospital it was Michael's and I's birthday, all of his band mates, greeted me, I already knew Calum, and Michael, but the other two were really cute, the tall blonde one, with a quiff, his name was Luke. The older one, he had curly long hair, in a bandana, he was about Michael's height, his name was Ashton. They seemed like a new family that I never had.

Clifford's Secret Sister (Bullied by Calum Hood)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora