What Did Calum Say

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Mathison POV

During the party, Calum comes over to the couch I was sitting on and whispered. "Do you remember what I told you before you blacked out, 2 months ago."

"No. I don't remember, was it important."

"No it wasn't."

Calum's POV

I decided to sit by Mathison, I whispered to her, so that Michael wouldn't hear, "do you remember what I said to you before you blacked out, 2 months ago."

"No. I don't remember, was it important?"

"No, it wasn't important." I say that to my crush, even though it was very important, she will never know the feelings I have for her, I must repay her.

Mathison POV

After Calum asked me that he got up and walked away, was it something I said. What if it was important, but I blacked out, too soon to hear what he said. I look at a corner and see Michael there crying. I get up and walk over to him, but when I arrive he whimpers, "Leave me alone Mathison, you can't fix what just happened."

"Tell me what happened at least."

"No, I don't want you to suffer too."

"Suffer from what."

"Goodbye Mathison." He says, going up to his room, leaving me in confusion for a second, before I run after him. I open his door, to find a rope around his neck as he was about to jump. He notices me and mouths, sorry I can't suffer like this anymore. Then he jumped, I ran to his twisting body and lifted him as high as a could. I need to know that it was enough, but then a feel more weight on me, I look up to see his body, hanging there lifeless, he couldn't be dead. I remember in one class I took, it said to bring back someone was to electrocute them, with electricity, I grab my taser quickly out of my room, and take his body out of the rope, I shot the taser three times before, he started to cough up. I saved my brothers life.

When he started coughing I ran over to him and hugged him whispering, "don't ever leave me, I need you just as much as you need me."

"But Mathison, I'm getting bullied now, I told everyone that you were my twin sister, and that I was proud of it."

"Thank you, popularity is just a back stabbing bitch in disguise, I'm glad you revealed the real you."

"Did Calum tell you what he said before you blacked out." He asked changing the subject.

"No. He only asked if I remembered what he said, I said that I didn't know what he was talking about."

"Oh. Well I'll just tell you, Calum bullied you to get closer to you, he has a crush on you Mattie."

"Holy shit, no way."

"Way." He chuckles.

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