CHAPTER 22: Such a Warm Welcome

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Back to Rania's POV guyss!

I kissed him, I didn't think twice, I felt it, I trusted him and he trusted and loved me back. Our lips touched, and I felt something inside me saying that this is the guy that me and the other kids at the orphanage would always talk about, the guy who would always be there to hold your hand, to laugh at your corny jokes, to take care of you, and to accept you for whoever you are and I am very much happy that this guy is Zach. I wasn't scared to kiss him nor to show him who I really am. I love him.

Our kiss ended but I knew that this end only ignited a new start. We looked at each other and I just couldn't help to smile and giggle.

"Wow" A voice spoke.

We both looked around and saw that it was Matt, looking very much hurt.

"Matt, wait!" Hannah screamed as she ran after a very fast Matt.

I stood up from the bench and was about to start sprinting when Zach held my hand, "Be careful." He said as I nodded.

I ran as fast as a magical person would but not as fast for normal people to get suspicious. Hannah was there panting in front of the parking lot.

"Hannah, where is he?" I said steadying her.

"Damn, vampires are fast, he ran to the car, which I forgot where and I couldn't catch up to him. Normal human being problems." She said making me smile.

"Okay, you stay here and wait for them, but let us talk for a minute okay?" I said then she nodded.

I walked slowly, racking my brain, to know where we parked. I walked slowly to where the car was parked and I saw him in the front seat and he was steaming. I knew Matt and he would never hurt me, but I had to make sure. I spoke a chant making a physical protection over me. I was sure mentally tired, I had to make a mental shield for all of us and now a physical shield,ugh I'm gonna have a fever for sure. I slowly opened the car door and sat next to him.

"You really don't trust me huh?" He said with his voice husky.

"I do."

"Well not enough for you to cast a shield." He let out a sarcastic laugh while I was there guilty af.

"Why him, always him and me? I always get set aside to rot."

"It's not like that Matt."

"Am I not enough, not good enough as him? What the fck is wrong with me!" He shouted while pounding on the steering wheel.

"Matt, you and Zach shouldn't be compared. You're a handsome, sweet, kind, intelligent loving boy, seriously, I could go on days just complementing you." I said

He looked at me and I saw his eyes were red and going to be filled with tears.

"I am just not the girl for you, but Matt there are lots of girls there who will love you and take care of you, just how you would. Zach. He doesn't wanna hurt you, he tried but Matt I know that you could never hate him. I love him but I couldn't unless you're not okay with us." I said now also about to cry.

"As long as you both are happy, I'm okay. I wish the best for you two." He said softly and I saw his eyes slowly returning to their original color. I hugged him and he hugged me tightly.

"I have to let you go now." He said then he smiled and we both got out of the car.

They were already outside sitting on a trunk of another car. Hannah and Chase were rubbing Zach's back because I think he is also crying.

"Damn, I've seen a handful of crying boys today." Hannah said making me and Chase laugh.

Matt walked to him, they looked at each other, tears streamed down on both of their faces and they hugged. Matt whispered something and i couldn't help but gossip so I got into their brain, of course I'm the only one who could get in the mental shield since I'm the one controlling it in the first place.

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