CHAPTER 31: You Want The Army

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Rania's POV


I squeezed my eyes tightly, trying to wake myself up. My alarm had just rang, reminding me that it was already 11:30, and that it was time for me to go and face the Dark realm. I was planning on leaving in another week but since Lily knows of my plans and I knew she was gonna tell because she wants me to be safe so I have to get moving now. Another minute passed before I finally convinced my feet to move out of bed, a cold shiver ran down my spine as I slipped into black jeans and a black sweater, but I still chose to wear a white shirt inside so in case I die, I'd still have something light about me.


One more minute and I'm at my peak. The more powerful, the more I could channel the Dark and easily slip in there.


The witches hour, the time when all of us are powerful. I closed my eyes and closed my hands into fists, so tight my nails could almost dig inside my flesh. Think Dark.

I gathered all the Dark inside me, pulling power from there and slipping away from Light. I imagined the place and slowly summoned it, lying that I was there to serve it, to surrender to it.

"Glaarrrrbaaaashgjvjdgghhjkkkk." A scary sound entered my hearing.

I slowly opened my eyes, preparing my eyes for the horror that I was gonna face,instead, what I saw was a small, baby Chinthe, poor cute lion-dragon born into darkness. I held my hand unto its head and patted it, then suddenly it snuck to my feet and cuddled. I can't harm anything as cute as this creature. I carried it on my arms and slowly made us invisible.

I spent seconds on a chant, to make this Chinthe able to talk, then finally, a cute toddler's voice exited his mouth every time he opened them.

"Please get me out of here, I don't like this place." His baby voice making him even cuter.

"Aww, it's okay but we need to find my friend first. Do you think you can help me?"I said running my hand on his fur.

"Sure, which friend?"

I raised my finger and touched it to his head relaying Matt's image to him.

"Oh, I know him!He's part of the royals!" He yelped.

He later explained that there were five crowned heirs to the royal family, but one died,the animator, so now there were only three.

Adeline, their Princess and future Queen

Matthew, their Dutch

and Audrey, the Addonexus who now has a name, their Dutchess.

one dead, one I don't know.

Apparently,they're the heads of the realm.

The cute thing told me later that he was named Chut and then he led me where Matt was.

The Dark realm wasn't like how I expected it, I thought it would be rocks, lava, and dryness, but really, it was nature filled, just with a morbid touch to it, and it was very cold, not to mention dim. At the end of the whole realm boundary was a castle that was wrapped with a deathly feel around it. It was so big and dark and even though it was deadly it still was very majestic.

The staircases and the walls of the castles were all guarded so even if I make the both of us invisible, we'll still get damn caught so I have to teleport us both inside. It's very dangerous though because I don't know this place and if I set an image of Matt, I could teleport us in front of him which is not good since the whole Dark realms job is to kill me,no, catch me then let adeline be the one to kill me.

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