2 Kindness

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I drive to Danielle's house for tea. I knock on the door and wait patiently. The door opens up and reveals Danielle. "Hey, sweetie." She hugs me. I hug her back and enter the house. "MISS CHARLOTTE!!" Jamie yells as she runs over to me, hugging me. "Hi, baby." I bend down and hug her.  "Hi, Miss Charlotte." Briley smiles from the table. There were coloring books and crayons spread out all over the counter. I sit down at the table and watch them color. Danielle goes to the kitchen and starts making food. "Miss Charlotte, do you wanna color?" Jamie puts the coloring book in front of me. "Sure, sweetheart." I smile and color with her.  "See you're a natural." Danielle smiles at me. "I hope so. I'm just nervous." I admit.  "Don't be. You already are good with all your kids now."  She hands me a sandwich and sweet tea. "Thank you." I smile.  "So who is this Zak guy?" She smiles at me as she sits down next to me. "One of my kids' uncles. I guess he heard what we were saying last night. After everyone left, he gave me four hundred dollars."  "Four hundred!?!" She asks, shocked. "Yeah, he said he had s good feeling about me and wanted to help me out. He then walked me to the car."  "He likes you." She smiles wildly. "He kept asking me if you were okay."  "The guy in all black?" Briley asks.  "Color." Her mom told her.  "He's cute." She smiles at me. "Yeah, he's very handsome. It's probably a one-time thing. He's probably going to leave too." I tell Danielle.  "Maybe he's different." She tells me softly.  "You just met him to give it some time."  "True." I finish my sandwich and tea. "Here, I have their old baby clothes and bottles." She leads me upstairs. I look at the little girl clothes she has for me. "I hope it is a girl," I admit. "Me too." She smiles as we go through the clothes. "Have you picked out names yet?"  "Rosalie for a girl. For a boy, I was thinking William, but I love the name Charlie that could go for a boy or girl."  "Little Rose." She smiles happily. We put the stuff in my car. "Thank you so much." I hug her again. I dive into my apartment, unpacking my new baby clothes. I sit in the baby's room and take it all in. I'm going to be a mom. "Just you and me, Rose." I talk to her as I place my hand on my stomach.

I get home from working at Kroger, utterly exhausted. I lay down and take a nap. My phone started buzzing. I look at it to see it was my boss wanting to know where I was. I race up and get dressed in my work clothes. I get in my car racing to work. why does everyone drive so slow?? I get out of my car and go to the gym door. I walk in to see everyone waiting for me. I look at the clock to see I have fifteen minutes until class started. I look at Norman, confused. "I still have time?" I ask him tiredly. "Yes, sorry to disturb your nap. You were going to sleep right through it, though." he chuckles at me. "Go clean up." he tells me nicely. I go to the bathroom and brush my hair along with redoing my make up. I come out of the bathroom and go to the office. I heard a knock on the door and looked up to see Zak. I get up and go to the door to see Matilda smiling up at me with red roses in her hands. "These are for you." she smiles widely at me as her blonde curls bounced with her. "For me?" I smile at her and take the red roses. I smell their sweet freshness. I look up at Zak with a smile. He got me roses. "I love roses." I smile at him.  "Thought you could use a cheer up." he smiles at me. "That's so sweet." I smile back at him.He is very handsome. I must be dreaming if I think he's even remotely interested in me. He then sits down at the bench, waiting for class to start.  "Charlotte, who are the roses from?' Danielle asks me, shocked. "One guess." I whisper to her. Her big brown eyes about bulged from her head. "He gave you those?" she whispered back to me with a smile spreading across her face. "I told you." she nudges me. I smile, nodding at her; maybe he does like me."Rosalie got roses." she smiles. I put my flowers on the table and grab the book. I call the girls and make them do a relay race to warm up. I sit down and watch them. Mr. Norman doesn't like employees to sit, but he has permitted me. I teach the girls with a smile. Oh no, I'm going to get sick. "Norman!" I call him urgently. He races over to me and takes over the class. I run to the bathroom and get sick. ugh. Danielle comes in and holds my hair away from my face. "It will be over soon." she talks me through it. I heard a mom come and look. "Poor girl, do you need anything, sweetheart?" she asks.  "Water." I spit the flavor out of my mouth. She walks out, leaving the door open. "Poor girl just lost all of her lunch." she tells someone. "Does she need anything?" Zak asks. "Water." she answers. "Here I have big water right here. I didn't open it yet."  "Thank you." she comes back in. She sets the water bottle next to me. I take it and wash my mouth out. I then drink half of it. "Careful, don't drink it to fast." Danielle tells me. I listen to her and save the rest. "I think I'm good." I stand up, flushing the toilet. I walk out with the water bottle in hand. Zak looked at me, concerned. "Are you okay?"  "I'm fine." I lie. "No, your not.  you just threw up." he says, knowing better. "thank you for the water bottle." I thank him and go to the office.  "Charlotte, do you need anything else? I can drive to the store and get you some crackers." Danielle asks me.  "I'm craving a sandwich." I laugh weakly at her. "I'll go get it. I'm going to the store anyway." Zak stands up and offers. "What kind of sandwich do you want?"  "Ham." I answer and give him the money to buy it. He waves his hand. "It's on me." he walks out the door. "He likes you." Danielle giggles. I blush, believing her. I go back out to the floor to help teach the kids. "I got this class. You can teach the next class if your feeling better." he tells me kindly. I go back to the office and sit down and smell my roses again. I take them in my hand to see there was a card. I open the card and read it. "Smile beautiful."  I heard a knock on the door and looked up to see Zak. I smile up at him. He gave me a small wink then opened the door. He set the sandwich in on the table in front of me. "You didn't have to do all of this for me." I tell him flatly. "I know, I wanted to." he smiles at me. I love his beautiful smile; it just sends chills all over my body. 'Okay, so I got you mayo, mustard, and I grabbed ketchup for some weird reason, but here you go. Here are napkins." He places everything on the table. I stare at his hand tattoo. "I like your tattoo." I blurt out. He looks at me and smiles. "Which one?"  "The one on your finger. How many do you have?"  "I have six." he smiles widely at me. "Wow." I nod and eat my sandwich. "This is so good. Your so kind." I say and take another bite. "Thank you." he smiles, then walks away. I finish my sandwich then throw everything away. "Charlotte, you need to be careful with this guy. You might want to get in your pants." Mrs. Cory tells me.  "I will." I consider it. I go and teach the next classes trying to smile for the kids. I finally finish classes heading to the office to grab my stuff. "Feel better, beautiful." Zak tells me as he walks out with Matilda. "I will thank you." I grab my roses and walk out. I drive my car past them and wave before I drive to my home. I like Zak; there's something about him I like.

He Was ThereHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin