4 Date Night

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The sunlight beams through my window, shining brightly in my eyes. I opened my eyes and lay on my back. Today is the day. I sit up, leaning against the headboard. I place my hand on my stomach and smile. "Good morning, sweetheart. Today is mommy's date."I talk to my sweet Rosey. She's getting big. "I think there's something different about him, though. He's helped, mommy. I hope he loves you and accepts you. If not, you'll always have me." I get up and start my day. What should I wear tonight for the date? What will we be doing? I don't know what to wear. I felt complete sadness wash over me. I sit on the ground and cry. I don't know what to wear. My emotions have been all of the wacks recently. I sit in the field, waiting for it to pass. I take deep breaths, trying to calm myself. Get a grip Charlotte, what would Zak think? I finally get a hold of myself and go to my closet again. I pull out a cute black cotton button-up shirt, dark miss me jeans, and black flats. Perfect! I take a shower and get dressed for Starbucks.
Driving down there, I listen to my music blaring. Walking in, I make a chocolate chip frappe. I've been craving this. "Charlotte." Stacy smiles at me. "Good morning." I tease her. "Getting that free coffee already, I see." She teases me back. I smile and reply. "Why not start the day off, right?" I take another sip and mock her. "So, how are things holding up?" "Much better." I smile at her. Things are going great. I have a date tonight, and most of Rose's stuff is ready to go. We work until noon then I work my shift at Kroger.

I finally made it home and lay down. "Mama is tired, baby girl." I doze off. My phone rings, waking me up. WORK! I race up, changing my clothes, and drive to work. I can't believe I did it again. I rush in to see everyone waiting for me. "I'm so sorry." I apologize. I grab my book and my clipboard starting classes.

I arrive home, throwing my keys on the hook. I go into my bathroom taking a nice hot shower as I sing my heart out. I climb out wrapping myself in the warm fuzzy towel. I better blow dry my hair, I don't have time for a natural dry. I get dressed and blow dry my hair. This shirt kinda hides Rose. I start blow drying my hair and brushing it. I then start on my make up. I finish looking at my reflection in the mirror . Beautiful. I heard the door bell ring. I grab my shoes and answer the door. "Hello beautiful." He smiles at me. "Hello Zak." I smile up at him. He wore a nice black button up shirt, his thick black glasses, his hair was all spiked up, his pants were black baggy jeans, and round his neck he wore a sliver necklace with a skull on the end. "Looks like one of us is going to have to change ." He jokes with me. I smile and open the door for him. I walk over and close Rosalie's door. He comes in and shuts the door. I put my shoes on and grab my purse. "You live here all by yourself?" He asks as he walks around. "Yeah, I paid for everything. It's not the greatest but I get by." "The neighborhood isn't the greatest either." He turns around and looks me in the eyes. "It's all I could afford." I sigh softly. He looks into my bedroom and then stands in front of Rose's door. "Is this another bedroom?" He asks me. "Yes." I answer as I watch him go to open the door. I race up and stand infront of the door. "This room is off limits." I tell him sternly. "Yes, ma'am." He grabs his keys out of his pockets and heads towards the door. I follow him and lock my front door. I can't believe I'm going on a date with this guy. He shoulders were broad and muscular. I watch him walk infront of me. He has such a nice ass. I smile to myself and keep walking. We get to his Nice mustang. He opens the door for me and I get in. It was so nice I don't want to mess anything up. God he's rich I feel so bad. Why would he want a poor girl like me? He gets in and drives. "Matilda absolutely loves you." He smiles at me. "I love her, she's so sweet." I smile at him and hold my stomach. Zak looks at my hand on my stomach "Are you nervous? I've noticed you hold your stomach a lot." He tells me. "No, I'm not nervous." I tell him. "Are you sick?" He asks me as he looks at me concerned. "No, I feel fine." I tell him strongly. "I just have a habit of putting my hand on my stomach." I tell him. I'm just holding my baby girl. "Okay." he drops the subject and continues to drive. "So I was thinking dinner and maybe a walk in the park." He smiles at me. "Sounds beautiful." I smile and look at him. Maybe I am nervous. I just don't want to screw this one up. I really like Zak. "Do you like Mexican?" He asks me as he drives up to a Mexican restaurant. "Love Mexican." I smile at him. He parks the car getting out. Here we go Charlotte behave. I get out going over to the tall handsome man. He holds the door open for me. "Thank you." I enter and wait for him. He comes in standing next to me. "How many?" The lady asks us. "Two." Zak answers. "Follow me." She grab some two menus leading us to a booth. I sit down and look at the menu. "What can I get you to drink?" "Two daiquiris." Zak says. "Can I have a virgin one please?" I ask her kindly. Zak looks at me confused. "I can't have alcohol." I tell him simply. "Alright." She walks away. I look at my menu trying to figure out what I want. "You look very beautiful tonight Miss Charlotte." Zak smiles sweetly at me. I felt my cheeks get hot as a smile appeared on my face. "Thank you handsome." I blush. "CHARLOTTE!!" Carlitos calls me as he comes over. "Carlitos!" I smile at him and give him a hug. "¿Cómo estás?" He asks me. "Estoy bien." I smile back at him. He felt my stomach in he hug. He looked at me shocked. " ¿Estas embarazada?" He asks me. "Sí" I sigh looking down at the ground. He looks at Zak shocked. "¿es suyo?" "No, fuí violada." I confess. "Lo siento. I'll let you get back to your date. You text me and keep me posted."he tells me in English. Translation "how are you?" He asks me. "I'm good." I hug him. He felt my stomach and looked at me shocked. "Your pregnant!" "Yes." I sigh looking down at the ground. "Is it his?" He looks at Zak. "No, I was raped." I confess. "I'm sorry. I'll let you get back to your date. You text me and keep me posted." He tells me as I sit back down. Zak looks at me confused to what is going on. "I'll see if I can work your table." He walks away. "I didn't know you could speak Spanish." He tells me. "Yeah, I'm fluent." I smile at him. "What where you saying to him?" He asks me. "Nothing. I'll tell you when I'm ready for you to know." I look at my menu. Carlitos brings our drinks. "This one is the virgin." He hands me my drink. "Thank you." I smile at him. "Do you know what your going to order?" "Not yet." I tell him in Spanish. "No, I'm not ready either." Zak says as he looks at me. "You speak Spanish?" I ask him in Spanish. "Pequeño." Little he tells me. I blush as I realize he might know what I said to Carlitos. Carlitos looks at me and shakes his head. "He didn't understand." He tells me in Spanish. "I didn't understand what?" Zak asks us. "What we said." I smile at him. "Oh no I didn't understand what you guys said. I'm not that good." He totally brushes it off. We look at our menus trying to figure out what we want. "I think I'm going to get an enchilada." Zak tells me. "Do it." I smile at him. "I think I'm going to get the Mexican platter." It's a lot of food but I'm feeding two. "That's a lot of food." He tells me. "I'm starving I haven't eaten all day." I lie to him. "Okay if that's what you want." He gives in. I take a drink of my drink pleased. "Zachary!" A girl yells as she comes over to Zak. I tilt my head to the side and look at him shocked. He holds up his index finger up to me telling me to hold on. "Can I have a picture?" She asks him. "Of course." He agree she with a kind smile. She takes several pictures with him. God he's famous. She leaves us alone then he turns to me. "Sorry about that." He apologized to me. "Are you famous?" I ask him still surprised. "Yes, I guess you could say that." He takes a sip of his drink. "How do you feel about that?" He asks me as he stares into my eyes. "It makes sense now." I nod my head. "What does?" He asks as he folds his hands. "Giving me money without caring,the nice car, and your expensive clothes." Say to him. "I see your point."he says. "What do you do?" I ask him intrigued. "I'm a host for a tv show called Ghost Adventures." He tells me. I nod my head "What do you do on your show?" "That's my secret. You tell me the one you're keeping from me and I'll tell you." "No, I can't. I'm not going to lose you so soon. You'll see me in a bad way." "Try me." He puts his hand on mine. I look up into his eyes to see a caring expression. "Zachary, I can't. It hurts to much. I'll tell you later." I tell him in a small voice. "Are you on drugs?" He asks me. "No." I shake my head. "In trouble with the law?" "No." "Then I won't see you any differently than I do now." "Its to early Zak." I tell him. "But you are going to tell me one day right?" He asks me softly. I nod my head. "Yes,I'll tell you later if you stick around." "Honey I'm going to suck around for a long time." He flashes a crooked grin. "I'd like that." I flash a smile back. Carlitos comes over and taking our orders. "Hungry?" He ask me as he writes down my order. "Starving." I smile at him. He looks at me and smiles. "So what she your favorite movie?" He asks me. "I love Grease." I smile at him. "Grease?" He laughs at me. "That's so cute. Grease is a classic." He smiles at me. "What's yours?" I ask him in return. "I like scary movies. I don't have a favorite." He smiles at me. "What's your favorite color?" I asks him. "Black." He answers. Smile at him. "I can tell." "What about you?" "Turquoise and yellow." I answer. We sit and talk learning about each other with a smile. "What's your favorite flower?" He asks me. "Roses." I smile. "That's great." He says. Carlitos then places our food on the table. Maybe I did order to much food. A bean burrito, two tacos ,rice, and beans. Zak had a big enchilada. "Are you going to finish all of that?" He asks me. "Watch me." I smile at him. We dig in and enjoy our meal. I finish all of my food as I talk to him. "I can't believe you ate all of that." He tells me. "I told you." I smile at him. "You did." He laughs. Zak pays and leaves a tip. Carlitos comes over to me giving me a hug. "Bye girl, keep me posted." He tells me. "I will." I walk out with Zak. "Thank you." I smile to him as I get in the car. "Your welcome." He smiles driving off.

Zak parks the car and looks at me. "Your ready?" He smiles and gets out. I open my door and get out with him. The night was dark but lit by the lamp posts. He takes my hand as we walk. I smile up at him and intertwine our fingers. We walk down to a small lake and sit down on a bench. Zak puts his arm around my shoulders and stares out at the lake. "Are you having fun tonight?" He asks me. "I am." I smile up at him. He looks into my eyes then down at my lips back into my eyes. He leans in closer to me inches from my face. I lean in to meet him in the middle. I close my eyes feeling our lips meet. My heart pounds loudly. The warmth of his lips felt so warm and right. His soft lips shaped around mine. His hand went up to my face and gently placing his thumb in front of my ear. He kissed me a little faster, licking my bottom lip for entrance. I allow him and kiss him the same way he is kissing me. He pulls back and looks at me. "I'm sorry. I don't normally kiss on the first date, but I couldn't help myself." He apologized to me. "It's okay." I smile at him. "Okay, you're an excellent kisser." He smiles at me. "You too." I blush. We sit and talk then head to the car. He drives me home and walks me up to the door. "Thank you for tonight." I thank him. "Your welcome beautiful." He smiles and leans down to me. I kiss him. He was shocked then kissed me back. He pulls and smiles. "I go down for a hug and get a kiss." He chuckles. "Sorry." I apologize, embarrassed. "It's all good beautiful. Have a good night." He walks away to his car. I go inside and go to bed. "Rosey, mommy had a great night," I tell her as I climb into bed.

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