7 Suprises

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I wake up feeling warm all over. I open my eyes to see Zak starring at me lovingly. "Good morning little momma." he smiles at me. "Good morning." I smile back at him. "I'm surprised you slept as well as you did."  "Why is that?"  "Rose has been up and about already. She kept kicking me." he smiles and places his hand on my stomach. "I was so tired." I mumble and close my eyes again. "Get dressed. I'm taking you out." he kisses my forehead and gets up. I watch him walk away into the bathroom. He was already dressed. He must have been up for awhile. What time is it? I look over at the clock to see it was ten. Man I did sleep in late. He comes out and sits on the bed. I get up and go to the closet and get dressed. I put on my makeup as Zak sat on the counter and watched me. "Your going to like this." he smiles at me.  "Oh yeah?" I smile back and brush my teeth. "Yeah." he then plays on his phone. I finish up and turn to him. "You ready?" he looks up at me. "Yes."  "Alright lets go." he walks out of the room. We get in the car and he drives off. "I'm so happy!" he bounces up and down. "For what?"  "You'll see."  he then drives me to some hospital building. "Your taking me to the doctors?" I ask him confused. "Yes, you have an appointment."  "For what?"  "You'll see." he gets out of the car and waits for me. What is he up to? I follow him and he takes my hand. We go in and get in the elevator. He turns to me and smiles. "Okay, I can't hold it in anymore. It's an ultrasound appointment." he smiles at me. I look at him shocked. "An ultrasound?"  "Yes." he smiles at me. I hug him so excited! "Ahh!!!" I bounce up and down. "Thank you Zachary!!" I smile up at him. "Your welcome baby girl." he smiles ear to ear. We get out and go into the waiting room. I'm so excited!! I know she's a girl I know it! "Go sit down, I'll check us in." he tells me softly. I sit in the squishy couch. Bad idea. How am I going to get up? That was a bad idea. Well at least I'm comfy. Zak comes over and looks at me. "You look comfy." he chuckles. "I am, I just don't know how I'm going to get up." I admit.  "I got you babe." he smiles. "So you think it's a girl?" he continues to smile at me. "Yes." I nod my head.  He smiles at me. "I want a boy."  "A boy?" I smile at him.  "Yeah, we can go outside and play sports."  "You can do that with a girl too."  "I know. Either way I'm happy." he smiles.  "Me too." I agree with him. "Bagans." the doctor lady calls us. Zak gets up and smiles at me. I try to get up unable. "Ughh." I struggle. I look up to see Zak videoing me. "Really?" I smile at him. He then turns his phone off and helps me up. We follow the nurse to a room. I sit down on the bed and lay down all propped up. "Congratulations you two." she smiles at us and shuts the door. "Thank you." I say. I'm so nervous. "Alright lift your shirt up dear." she tells me and puts gloves on. I lift my shirt up over my stomach and she puts this clear jelly on the tip of the ultra sound device. she places it on my stomach and i jump. "Thats cold." I chuckle. Zak smiled at me and looked at the monitor. "Alright lets see." she says and shows us pictures of the face. "So beautiful." I mumble.  "What if it's a boy?" Zak smiles at me.  "It's a girl." I tell him.  "You sound very sure mom." the nurse says to me.  "I have a feeling." I admit.  "If it's a boy then you owe me." Zak tells me.  "If it's a girl then I get to eat whatever I want." I try to bargain with him. "And throw away all your hard work?" Zak says softly.  "Yes."  "Alright." he agrees.  She searches all over my stomach to get a good shot. "Open up those legs." she says softly. "Rosey, open your legs so we can see the goods." I tell her. Zak was smiling ear to ear. "Oh, I think I see something." the doctor says.  "I know what they are." she tells us.  "Tell me, tell me." I smile.  "You were right mom, it's a girl." she tells me.  "Ha!" I tell Zak. "I'm so happy!! Ahh!" I freak out. "Her due date should be May 12th." She tells us. "Congratulations you two, good luck dad." she shakes his hand. "Yeah dad, looks like I get to eat as much food as I want." I play with him.  "Alright Mamma, let's get you and my baby girl something to eat." he stands up and takes the pictures of Rosey. I can't believe it. My family. My new family. I put my shirt down then take Zak's hand and get down. "My two girls." he kisses my cheek and places his hand on my stomach. I smile at him and kiss him. He pulls back and looks at he door. "At home baby." he takes my hand and leads me out of the room. We go out to the car and I smile at him as he puts his belt on. He then looks over at me. "Ha, your so cute."  "I know." I smile at him. He then drives off to some place. "To be honest I'm so glad Your pregnant. I've walked in on you so many times talking to her. I thought you were crazy. Now your having a beautiful baby girl." he smiles at me. He's such a great man. I'm so happy I have him, correction, i'm so happy we have him.  "I bet." I chuckle. "Breakfast or lunch?" he asks me.  "I want pancakes." I tell him.  "Breakfast it is." he chucks and pulls in to IHOP. We get out and go in. I wish my parents were apart of this. I want to tell them about Rosalie. I look down at the ground. Only if they would understand. "Baby, what's wrong?" he asks me softly.  "I just wish I could tell my parents about Rosalie." I sigh.  "We can tell them. They can't stay mad at you forever."  "Your right."  "Please be happy, we can go visit them tomorrow."  "Alright." I try to cheer up for him. We sit in the booth and look at the menu. Chocolate chip pancakes!! yes! I set my menu down and look at the waitress. "And for you?"  "What?"  "To drink babe." Zak tells me.  "Oh hmm water." I tell her. She then walks away. "I have more surprises for you this evening." he tells me as he looks at his phone.  "Oh yeah?" I smile at him. "Yup, you've been put through a lot and I want you to feel happy."  "Thank you Zak." I smile at him. The waitress comes back and takes our order. I'm so happy right now. Zak and I eat talking and smiling the whole time. I love this man I truly do. "We are going to go shopping, get your nails done, then your hair." Zak tells me. "What?" I look at him shocked as I set down my fork.  "Yup." he smiles at me. "Why?"  "Because this is your day. Your going to feel good. I'm paying for all of it so don't you worry about that." We finish then go out to the car.

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