8 Missing

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I sit on the couch, watching tv. Zak and Aaron were in the kitchen fixing something. I sneeze, then felt soaked. Oh no. Zak sat down next to me then looked down at my pants. I race up to my room. I look in the mirror to see blood all over my pants. No, no-no. This can't be any. "Charlotte!" Zak bangs on my door. My baby! My baby is dead!! Zak opened the door coming into me. "We need to get you to a doctor now." He takes my hand, leading me to the car. He sat me down in the front seat while Aaron took the back. Zak got in driving to the hospital. I sat in the passenger seat, balling my eyes out. "We don't know that for sure. There's still hope. " Zak tries to comfort me. "My baby girl." I sob loudly. We finally made it to the hospital. They help me out, checking me into the ER. They give me a hospital gown by then hook me up to a bunch of machines. They take an ultrasound of my stomach and check for a heartbeat. Zak held my hand while Aaron stood behind him. "There's no heartbeat. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you had a miscarriage. You're going to need surgery to get the child out." the doctor tells me. "My baby." I weep. "I'm so sorry, charlotte," Zak tells me. "My baby girl." I hold my face. "When can she have surgery?" Zak asks him. "Now." He answered as he put away the ultrasound. "It's a girl, right?" I ask him. "I didn't look. I can tell you after the surgery." "you'll find out after your surgery, love." Zak tries to comfort me. "Okay." I nod my head. "Let's get you ready." Next thing I know, I wasn't hooked up to an Iv. "Say something to her," Zak whispers to Aaron. He then comes over to me. "It will be okay. I promise." "It's not okay; my baby died!! It's all my fault!! She's dead because of me!!" I yell at him. "Charlotte, you don't know it's your fault; it may be that they were sick. Don't blame yourself for something that might be out of your control."
Zak comes over to me. I look him in the eyes, getting lost in his soft, deep blue eyes. I felt very sleepy and tired. "Zak." I hold his hand tighter. "You're going to be okay, love." He comforts me. "You promise?" I begin panicking. "I promise. The doctors know what they are doing." He sat on the edge of my bed. He let go of my hand. He puts his hand on the couch and I grab it. "I'm scared." "It will be okay, charlotte." I felt the tiredness start to overcome me. "Don't leave me," I tell him. "I won't." I then closed my eyes, succumbing to the drugs.

"You're all done, sweetheart." A doctor tells me. I open my eyes to see I was in some room. "Where's Zak? He promised me." I began to cry uncontrollably. "He's coming Sweetheart, don't worry." A nurse tells me. "He promised me." I sob. I felt a shift on my bed and a hand on my shoulder. "He promised me. He left me." I continued to cry. "I'm right here, sweetheart." Zak's warm voice told me. I look up at him then smile. "Zak." "How do you feel, princess?" "Better now, your here." "I was here the whole time." "You left me. When I woke up, you were gone." I continued to have tears run down my cheeks. "The doctors made me go in the waiting room." He explains. "Where's my husband?" I look around the room. "You don't have a husband." "No one loves me." I hold my face. "She's still drugged up." A female voice tells him. "Oh, okay." Zak nodded. "Go with it. She can't get upset." "She's already upset." "Try to calm her down." I then look at him taking his hand. "You love me, right?" "Of course I do." He gives me a soft smile. "I love you so much. Your always so kind to me." "That's good, love." He replied. "Are we dating?" "Yes." He smiles, "I have a boyfriend?" "Yes." "Is he cute?" I look around the room for him. "Yes, he is." "Where Is he?" I question him. "I'm right here." He goes to stand up. "No, don't leave me." I pull him back on the bed. "Okay." He chuckles. He got out his phone then sorted texting on it. "Where's my baby? I want you to see my baby." I start to panic. "You don't have a baby love." "Yes, I do," I argued with him. "Your baby didn't make it." "Then, can you give me a baby?" "Yes." "why not?" "Charlotte, I can't give you a child. We aren't married." "Then marry me." "Okay." "you don't love me. No one loves me." I begin to cry. "I love you." "No, you don't." Just then, Aaron walked in the door. "She's drugged up pretty bad right now. She can't get upset." "She's already upset, bro." He sits on the other side of my bed. "Hey, beautiful." He smiles at me. "You think I'm beautiful?" I smile happily at him. I'm beautiful! "I do." He takes my other hand. "Do you love me?" "Of course I do." He smiles happily at me. "He loves me." I smile, laying my head back down on my bed. "She's totally out of it," Aaron tells Zak. "You missed when she was crying hysterically." "I was not." "Okay, love." Zak rubs my leg. Soon I fell asleep.

I open my eyes to see Zak sitting in a chair next to me, starring. "Good morning." He whispered. "Good morning." I rub my face then turn my head to see Aaron still asleep on his chair. "How do you feel?" He asks me softly. "Good," I answer him softly. I do feel good; I'm not used to the lightness of my stomach. "Did they say what the sex was?" I ask him. "Girl." He sighs. "I knew it." I breathe. "One day, you'll have a family of your own." He tells me. "Someday, I'm going to tell you a secret. You can't tell anyone." I look into his deep blue eyes. "Okay, what is it?" "I want a family so bad. I want someone who loves me, and I love them. I want beautiful children. I can raise and show them around the world. You don't know how bad I want that." "I understand. I was like that when I was your age too. The best thing you can do is wait and be patient. Get married, then have kids." "Okay." I nod. "Make sure your happy with the person you marry. It's supposed to be a lifetime commitment. Be true and faithful." He gives me advice. "Okay, I will." "Good." He leans back on the chair. "How long am I stuck here?" "Two days." "I want to see the kids." "You'll see them when you get better." I put my hand on my flat stomach, wishing to feel my Rose. "She was a beautiful baby. She had black hair." Zak tells me, handing me a picture. I look at it to see it was Rose. "My baby girl." "She had problems with her heart." "So, it's not my fault?" I look at him relived. "No.," "okay." I look over at Aaron to see him fast asleep. "Did the surgery go well?" "Yeah, it did." "Good." I then look at my little girl. "I never got to hold her." I sigh. "I know." "Maybe one day. You know I want three kids." "Three is a good amount." He nods his head. "Three is too many." Aaron looks over at me. "No, it's not." "One is enough." He crosses his arms. "Aaron, your such a sour puss," Zak tells him rudely. "Am not! I'm just saying I don't want kids! Sport bro, this hospital chair has me all messed up." "Stop arguing!!" "Yes, ma'am." Zak chuckles. "Whatever." Aaron stands up, walking out of the room. "He's such a grump lately." "Yeah, I know." I sigh. "He's just stressed." "About what? His life is perfect!" "He has his problems too." "Your right." "He's like that with everyone. He cares about you." "You think so?" "Yes." "Okay." I nod my head. "I'm hungry." He gets up. "Can you bring me something too?" I ask. "Sure thing." He then leaves. I lay in this uncomfortable hospital bed, waiting for his return. I close my eyes to dream and pass away the time.

"Charlotte." I felt a large hand on my shoulder, gently shaking me awake. "What?" I open my eyes to see it was Zak. He set the In n' Out bag on my lap. "Thank you." I then began to eat my food. "You know me so well." I pull out my favorite burger and fries. "I pay attention, that's all." "Well, thank you." I begin to eat. "So I drove Aaron home." "I figured that much." "Yeah." "Well, at least he can sleep in his bed tonight." "He should be here with you." "It doesn't matter to me, as long as he is happy." "It's not acceptable that he isn't here with you." "It's fine." "No, it's not." "I'm surprised he stayed as long as he did." "He should be here until you get out." "No, no." I refuse him. "I don't mind." "Well, I do." He tells me with an attitude. "Hey, you don't need to take it out on me." "Your right, I'm sorry. I think he should be treating you better, that's all." "He does." "I hate this damn chair." He shifts to a new position. I push the call button. "What's wrong?" Zak gets up, coming over to me. The nurse then comes in the room. "What is it, sweetheart?" She smiles at me. "Can I get a cot for him, please?" "Sure thing." She then walks out. "Honey, you didn't have to do that." Zak gives me a small smile. "Yes, I did." "Well, thank you." "Anytime." The nurse brought him a cot. He laid down on It, smiling. "So much better." "Good, my stomach hurts." "Do you want me to call the nurse?" He sits up. "No." "You sure?" "Yes." "Okay." We lay down and talk for hours until dark. "Good night Zak." "Good night Charlotte."

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