Far away (Drabble)

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Hello!!! Soooo...... It's been a couple of days since I posted. It was hard thinking of any plot for one shots but, I thought about this just now as I am writing this.

It has been years since our break up and I still haven't moved on. Why? Since we are still friends on my social media I can still see what he was doing on his daily life.

Sometimes, I just want to rewind to those days when we were still together. To those memories of when we used to hang out after school at the mall. To those memories when our friends would tease us about holding hands. To those memories when I get jealous when you're with other females.

I wish you are still with me sharing my moments with you.


Right now, when I saw your profile pic.... My heart really broke.
Is it really easy for you to move on?
Are you doing this on purpose?

I can't really say anything. I wish I could but, I can't. Since, you're too far away...
I wish you guys enjoyed this short and sad Drabble. To be honest..... I cried while typing this. I guess you guys could say that I based this on my life again. I just had this idea of making myself suffer from not moving on from a 3 year break up now.

I should really let myself go and move on already. I hate myself.

Well.... Thanks for reading, my little foxes! (and wolf) <--------My sister

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