Chapter 1-Meeting Laurens

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    *Alexander's Pov*

Well for starters I never knew that I was bi-sexual (meaning gay for those that don't know) I mean I was just siting in my science class which happened to be the same block as the Schyuler sisters,Burr,Mulligan,and Laff. But there was a new kid from South Carolina don't get me wrong I love the southern coulter and everything it's just the way they talk some act really country and some just act well... meh, but this kid wasn't country at all the only thing werid about this kid was that he loved turtles and he head on a nija turtle shirt on,a pair of blue jeans and red convers (not the fake ones) he looked kinda sweet so Lafayette told him he could sit behind me I was kinda nervous to say hi so Laff and Mulligan introduced me to him. I save kinda nervously and the bell for B-lunch rang, I quickly zoomed out the room catching up to Laff who was holding hands with Mulligan in the hallway "who was that new kid?" I asked looking at Laff with a cocked  head as we walked to get in line with the Schyuler sisters. Laff and Milligan both turned to me and Laff said with his big french accent "that's my new moniame. John Laurens" he ushered his hand toward the cute freckled kid with the poofy hair and nija turtle shirt, "he's kinda handsome." I whispered to Laff which I think could agree with me on that one. Laff shook his head "well he can be yours Alex but I've got Mulligan." Laff said turning toward Mulligan who blushed  red like a tamato a bit, I  thought kinda cute that the two were dating ya know and me and Eliza tried out but I didn't go so well. I walked towards this new kid Laurens and waved as I stuttered to say hi, but  I think he caught the message "hi I'm Laurens, John Laurens in to be exact I'm new here." He smiled. His smile caught my heart and it made me feel all tingly inside the rest of that day me John Laurens talked the whole to class periods I think this is the start of a new friendship.

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