Chapter 9- Winters Ball

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Sorry I havent been writing much Ive been having writers block lately and stuff with school so um Yeah
*John's Pov *

It was the last few weeks before we got out of school and we had to take our winter finals before we got out. I was in my room studing mesures and counting and sight singing (cause choir people). As I was studing the 14th measure of Alilughia from Mozart Alexander burst in wtih a pice of blue paper 'probably from a sister.' I thought, "Laurens they're having a winters ball tomorrow night we should go." sugguested Alexander. Well it was on a weekend "Fine as long as we look cute as posbile." I looked staring at the papers, 'what have I done to my self.' I thought as I looked back at my music. I ztarted humming a little of 'What would I do without my music' while gwtting into my gay turttle pjs and unfolding the covers to make me confortable. I fell asleep as soon as I hit my bed and so did Alex. I felt like tomorrow was gonna last forever and I wouldnt get to practice after school cause I stay up watching Markiplier. Yes I watch him hes supper funny and acts like hes gay I love it. But I felt like I wasnt gonna get anything done tomorrlw or over the weekend cause of that stupid dance for the end of the semester.

*Alexander's Pov*

I was watching Laurens and studding for a quiz I had in my world history, one of the sisters knocked on the door "Hey Pegs." I said closing the door after I walked out, "So the whole school is having a winter dance and I was wondering if you and Laurens would like to come." She said in the most inocent voice and I didnt think Laurens wouldn't care cause we dance around in our doormn. So I just told Laurens and I think he was like wtf duded but I just didnt care. So I think saterday me and Laurens are going to a dance whooo!

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2017 ⏰

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