Chapter 3-First Rehursal/Lafagin Fight!

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*Alexander's Pov*
I walked into the choir room holding John's arm and my head on his shoulder he smiled and we both walked into the door together holding both of our books. I saw Laf and Mulligan kissing each other on the cheek. I awwned at the cute moment and I was reading over my Simba and Mufasa sense with Laurens, that's went Eliza came in with Angie and Peggy. I smiled at John and looked back at my book and read my lines to myself and that's when we started with the Circle of Life and our Rafiki was played by Angelica she did well to as I saw Laurens walking with Peggy as Saribi and he nuzzled her as a friend I thought it was a cute thing and Sabury on the the first day of practice bounded as Zazu to be in character. I laughed at Sabury a little bit during his parts and the Schyuler sisters also played the hyenas they were really funny exspeically Peggy as Ed the hyena but she had to have some one take her place when she was Saribi, then Eliza lead the lioness hunt and Laf was telling people what to do practicing to be stage manger. That's when he got on Mulligans bad side and went out with Laf and started hitting him with his script book all of us ran outside to Laf on the floor crying and Mulligan running to the bathroom crying. I checked on Mulligan while Laurens and the sisters checked on Laf, "Hurc what the hell happened back there." I asked trying to talk to hurc, He punched the wall and screamed 'shit he's not the genital giant' "I-I don't know Alexander." He started to sob and fall on the floor,"Hey it's ok Lafs just trying to be stage manger." I said rubbing hurcs back. "I know but I'm afraid I hurt him." He said wiping his tears. "Let's go talk to him ok Herc he may forgive you." I said making hurc feel better. We walked to see Laf and he was bleeding from his nose and struggling to get up, Herc walked towards Laf but Laf just walked away and Hurc began to sob but Laf came back a few minutes later and the two made up. I think I was a perty good friend to Herc and I found a note on my desk in the choir room that said 'Dear Alex,
Thanks for everything I think you could be a peace maker 😅😂. Anyway I thank you for it and so dose Laf I had make up sex with him and we got caught be we didn't care,
The Gential Giant,
Hercules Mulligan
I felt happy puting back Laf and Mulligan that night I got a text from. Eliza and the sisters
{Eliza💙:Nice job putting back the love birds lol.}
{A.Hammy:Oh it was nothing Hercs just a big genital giant😂}
{Eliza💙:Well the whole choir class is talking about it}
{Angie❤:You seriously need credit}
{Magrtia💛:You seriously do}
{A.Hammy:Ok thanks well I'm going to sleep}
Then I just closed my eyes and went to sleep thinking of how many people are going to apriciate me.

We Met In High School Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang