Chapter 8-My whole family thinks Im gay pt.2

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*Alexander's Pov*

Well heres part two have fun laughing all of your asses off...

Well I was talking to some of his family and some of them actually liked me I was talking about the drama team and I was also talking about how sweet John is, all the family except for his dad though I was handsome some of them said if John wants to be gay then let him cause I said outloud that "hes my gay lovable turtle and like that." I think after I said that Johns dad slaped him again just like he did when he was a child I felt so bad for John that I had to stay in the car and feel guilty for my self. After the diner John and I had makeup sex in the hotel and forgave eachother but that night changed my life forver. I sat down on the bed quitely abbd John came over and started singing that song called seventeen I startled to giggle a little as he came over and kissed my cheek and I bulshed so hard my cheeks started to hurt. That night I feel asleep so peacfuly knowing that John was there,the next morrning we packed our things and headed back to New York for the rest of the semester John had his drivers linces before me so he practicly drove us every where and it was actually kinda fun we sang to my favorite song 'Perty Little Sypco'.   When we got back to dorms Herc and Laf greated us with open arms, "How was South Carolina Alex?" Laff asked with a grin on his face. I was unpacking my things with his help "Welp it was nice but I dont get it why dosen't anyone in South Carolina visit New York." I asked while haning up my clothes. Laff shurged his shoulders and cocked his head. Laurens asked the same question to Herc, and his respons was the same as Laff.

We Met In High School Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora