revenge on @halo12079girl

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halo12079girl sorry but...all's fair in love and war
The female sat up in bed fear gripping her. Felix opened his eyes, the movement shaking him out of his sleep. The female's sobs were quiet but Felix still heard and wrapped his arms around her comfortingly. "Shhh shhh what's wrong?" He asked quietly concern filling his voice as to why his girlfriend was crying. "They...y-you" She didn't have to say anything. "I'll never leave this earth. I plan to die an old man with a family and you by my side." Felix comforted her. All of a sudden Felix started to dissolve and no matter what she tried she just couldn't save him. Next thing she knew she was back in her bed, alone. It had been a year since Felix had died. She still wanted revenge and she was going to get it, at least she thought she was. Getting out of bed she grabbed Felix's armor which she had gone in search for after they killed him, and put it on. Silently walking out the door she walked to Tucker's room. She was stopped by Palomo when she got there. "Tucker said to s-stay out of his room" it had been like that since Felix died. Everyone had been scared of her. Nevertheless she pushed him aside and kicked Tucker's door down. "My door!!" Tucker stopped when he saw who it was. A grenade in hand she ran up to Tucker and shoved it threw his visor. She ran out and an explosion went off followed by the sound of a scream. "NO!! SHE KILLED HIM!!!" Palomo screeched. She was about to make it out when a sharp pain shot up her leg. Agent Washington's cold glare bore into her eyes. He roughly grabber by the arm forcing her to stand. She let out a short scream of pain when she stood. The bullet in her leg made it excruciatingly painful. When they got to where the red's and remaining blue was he threw her to the ground. He was quick to aim at her heart when a hand stopped him. The young Palomo looked into Washington's eyes the same pain of losing Tucker filling them. "If we let her live she doesn't get to be with Felix.." he said quietly. Her eyes widened "No!!! No!!! You can't do this!!! Please!!!" She started wailing out pleas. She was kept in the prison cells for years and still every single time she closed her eyes she saw Felix's mangled body. She eventually died from sleep deprivation, but when she did she was never missed. She never did reunite with Felix.

I can do sad too halo12079girl

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